"I’m all right."
Su Mo slowly opened his eyes and looked at four faces around him and smiled.
Hearing this sentence, a few people really feel at ease.
Su Mo smiled slightly. "You continue to cultivate solid state refining weapons. Don’t pay attention to me."
See Sue ink sick monkey four people at ease to also dispersed practice.
Su Mo closed his eyes again and there was a burst of joy in his heart!
He has changed and gained too much when he stepped into Yuan Ying’s territory!
The first is Shou Yuansheng!
Shou Yuan has doubled from the original 500 years to a thousand years since the fix true person stepped into Yuanying territory!
Actually, it is a rise in combat power.
If you cultivate the Yuan God, you can help the Yuan God to realize that heaven and earth mobilize mana and burst into all kinds of spells!
There are many methods of hermetic he can also practice.
He has two day order alchemy exercises, one is Purple Tactics and the other is Tathagata Sutra.
After repairing the demon face and stepping into Yuan Ying’s territory, he remembered the first chapter of Yin Shen and the ninth chapter of Yang Shen!
As Su Mo expected, there was an ancient demon king method in Yin Shen and Yang Shen.
Let him not think that this ancient demon king is a dragon king!
The first demon king appeared!
Yin Shen’s article is mainly about refining God.
Whether it’s the red-haired Yin God or the black-haired Yuan God, the baby’s form is fragile, not to mention the sword and shadow, even the sun, wind, rain and frost can’t bear it!
If you want to leave the physical point, Yuan Shen will easily fall!
The key to the cultivation of demons or the cultivation of truth is to refine gods!
It is said in the Secret Book of the Wild Demon King that the pure Yang Yin God who refines the dross in the Yin God is the Yang God.
There is a saying that refining the gods and returning to emptiness in the process of repairing the truth, so Yuan Ying’s realm is returning to emptiness!
On whether Yang God or Yuan God is afraid of the scorching sun and Gangfeng, and really get rid of the physical confinement and wander in the sky.
What a shame!
Chapter one hundred and four Close call
There is no secret arts or spells of fighting against dragons in the Yin God’s article.
It’s about a famous sea dragon king who tried to refine his mind and how to use the essence of the sun and the moon to strengthen the strong blood of the flesh!
Normally speaking, Su Mo’s cultivation of Yin Shen will have great obstacles.
At the beginning, it was impossible to understand the quenching body, the easy tendon and the forging bone in just a few years without the guidance of Butterfly Moon.
Before Butterfly Moon left, she also said that Su Mo is hard to practice without her.
This is the case.
Then Su Mo encountered a huge bottleneck and was stuck in the same place for a long time.
He wouldn’t have achieved today if he hadn’t woken up in the middle of the night by mistake and heard the sound of tigers and leopards.
The essence of the Upanised Meaning is derived from the relatively ordinary monster beast such as Tiger and Leopard.
And Yin Shen is taken from the Dragon King!
It is almost impossible for a practitioner to cultivate the Dragon King’s alchemy!
Even if Su Mo has three parents who are immortal and buddha magic, it is difficult to understand what is in Yin Shen’s article.
But it was a coincidence that Su Mo once swallowed more than half of the dragon eggs and later practiced "Ancient Dragon Tactics" and drank dragon blood for 20 years to practice Candle dragon’s eyes.
Dragon blood has been completely integrated into other bodies!
It can be said that Su Mo is now half a dragon!
It is not difficult for him to understand the cultivation of Yin Shen.
And he will get twice the result with half the effort in practicing Yin Shen!
Butterfly Moon, despite her miraculous means, has never thought of such a result.
When you step into Yuan Ying’s territory, Su Mo can change his form at will, even his temperament!
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