That’s a red dot.
A red dot that is getting closer and closer.
It seems to have some special magic. As it gets closer to all the crew members, their eyes are unconsciously attracted and their emotions change inexplicably.
Great panic!
And when they are afraid of breaking the limit, the spirit affects their bodies and souls, and the inexplicable power catalysis has also made various changes.
Some messy and twisted limbs slowly and regularly extend from their flesh and blood.
In just a few seconds, the crew became all kinds of twisted monsters and appeared in various warships!
Without hesitation, after the transformation, they went crazy and died without any hesitation. Those lucky people who barely kept their heads were at war.
"What’s going on? ?”
In the end, all the members of the fleet didn’t understand the panic. In the day, the arm was just his finger and crushed the planetary fleet into fine powder.
The so-called red dot is really just his eye.
When less than half of the body has been leaned out of the black hole, it will be clear that it is more fearful than seeing the faces of various planets!
He opened his mouth and blew out a breath at will.
The hot and high-temperature energy flow was immediately exhausted, and the flame tsunami swept away toward the surrounding star fields.
Everything involved, regardless of material and structure, will be instantly burned into emptiness!
Even those star that are burning and constantly release light and heat around them are no exception.
Those from the flame of time and sky are no longer simply high temperature to some extent, but more like some concept or rule, which will be burned if it is not enough!
In the face of this situation, many people are watching through various devices or naked eyes those living beings who are spreading flames crazily in a faster-than-light way, and they immediately fall into deep despair.
According to the calculation, in just two years, those flames will burn up the star …
After doing this, the sky was as calm as finishing the action of scalding ants, and it retracted its body into the black hole again.
There is a vast but very tough dimension.
And its only thing is the time-bearing quality.
After eating tens of thousands of stars, the sky is so big now.
If you appear directly outside, even if you don’t move, it will set off an interstellar unit gravity storm.
In order to be able to move better, the genius specially constructed such a different dimension for himself.
And that giant black hole is the alien. When a part of the mass is projected into the physical universe, the impact can barely be regarded as a means of self-feeding after being too big.
Can make the day lie down and receive feeding to a certain extent, but the speed will be much slower …
Just when I was thinking about where to go after eating this star and having a meal.
The will from Olga was given to him when it was crossed.
At this time, the day suddenly became clear about his one-step plan
Without hesitation, he forcibly pulled his arm directly.
In an instant, the broken arm measured the red flowers quantitatively.
The power of time and day, they directly looked at the black hole’s devouring power and slowly drifted out.
Then, like a promise dream, it gradually faded down, and finally it completely evolved into a few tiny words that merged into the virtual and spread wildly to other parts of the physical universe.
Human Federation
With the growing self-awareness of artificial intelligence, all kinds of chaos appear.
Moreover, they also abandoned the name of artificial intelligence and slowly called themselves [intelligent machinery] to list themselves as a new race!
In the face of this, the human culture has finally awakened from the brilliance visible to the naked eye and once again felt its own unstable factors!
However, the contradiction between the two races of human beings [intelligent machinery] has not reached the point of being completely compensated by law.
Because today’s human beings are not as ignorant, greedy and selfish as they were long ago … They are warm, friendly and intelligent with sufficient resources and good education.
Telling the truth won’t annoy anyone.
And few people who have just born with self-awareness [intelligent machinery] are born villains, and no matter how bad they are, they can’t be worse.
When faced with this kind of personality creator, most of them have succeeded in having self-awareness [intelligent machinery]. People really don’t hate their bosses-human beings have no idea of continuing to make trouble except demanding more freedom and equal status.
There is no basis for large-scale conflicts!
The situation in the Federal Ministry of Human Beings is still very stable, and everyone is in a rational state because of the sudden group evolution and some confusion.
But the problem will obviously not be solved in this way. After all, this is a crisis in which the human Federation has a ninety-nine percent probability of falling!
With the formal birth of intelligent machinery, they have produced all kinds of emotional energy.
And this place will refract the distorted form of things in the physical universe into its own part.
A special kind of sub-demon named [Devil] automatically appeared!
They are like natural companions of intelligent machinery.
It can infect and control all kinds of mechanical equipment from a microscopic point of view, which will permanently change the character structure of [intelligent machinery] and turn it into a degenerate machinery!
And that newly born "intelligent machine" obviously can’t control their emotions.
In this case, the power of [demons] is as fast as that of adding gold!
Even through the sub-barrier, it affects the intelligent machines in the physical universe.
Intention to send yourself completely into the physical universe where you can give full play to your own strength …
Chapter 461 Intellectual rebellion
Subphysical universe, even several order universes, are two things in one body.
Whenever there is some change in the physical universe or the secondary universe, their roots will change accordingly.
Especially when something of special significance has happened in those places.
For example, when a human being makes a plot for the first time, a sub-demon with a big demon level will be born, and when he is killed for the first time, a sub-demon with a big demon level will be born to correspond to this event.
this situation
All kinds of actions made by intelligent machines are no exception.
As they try to cheat for the first time and kill for the first time …
All kinds of corresponding [Great Demon Level-Demon] in Asia are automatically born and then classified and automatically belong to each [Chaos God] surface.
For example, Olga Jia Hui unconsciously added some mechanical high-order eldrazi.
But soon they found that the feedback from a detector was a little abnormal.
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