He turned his head and looked at Xiaoguang with an angry face.
He didn’t expect this suit squirrel to be so tenacious.
I can’t believe I haven’t lost my combat effectiveness under my own attack.
This is a big surprise!
However, Xiaoguang almost lost his ability to act after this attack.
This kick was kicked by Xiaoguang as hard as he could
After all, it is a silver pet beast that was attacked by such a golden beast as gluttony.
An attack like that did a lot of damage to it.
After kicking this kick, Xiaoguang has no possibility to escape.
Can fall from your own body
Gluttony also return to absolute being from consternation at this time.
It looked angrily at the little light and patted it directly at the little light.
If this claw is shot,
Xiaoguang’s physical quality is seriously injured even if he doesn’t die.
But just when its claws are about to catch the light.
A green ghosting caught the small light.
Let gluttonous this claw is finally saved.
Look at catching the little light and landing Jin smoothly.
Gluttony froze.
A bronze pet beast is like being attacked by himself.
Still fighting?
But soon gluttonous noticed the little golden body strange.
See the little golden body green light than at the beginning.
Become more dazzling.
And its physical fitness has also risen from four stars to seven stars.
This makes gluttonous some don’t understand.
What kind of body art can make Xiaojin’s physical quality rise so horribly?
Xiaojin put the little light in his hand.
Immediately rushed toward the gluttonous again.
As the speed rises again
As a result, even gluttony has to be a little more serious.
Xiaojin brimmed with physical pain and gritted his teeth and rushed to the front of gluttony.
Forcibly open the door to escape armor, the fourth door and the injured door pair
It’s bigger than it thought.
If it weren’t for opening the fourth door, Xiaojin would have lost his ability to act at this time.
Now it is the vitality of the former overdraft body.
In exchange for the ability to continue fighting
Its skin began to split and several wounds were made.
A large amount of blood gushed out from it, giving people a shocking feeling.
But Jin doesn’t seem to feel this.
Force to accelerate a green ghosting rushed to the gluttonous side.
The glutton was completely impatient when he saw this scene.
I thought it took him so long to open the beast.
Even a silver beast bender and several silver pet beasts were not brought.
This is a great shame for him!
Thinking of this gluttony, I decided not to give Xiaojin another chance.
He should pay for this little monkey who has repeatedly provoked himself!
When Xiao Jin rushed to his side, his gluttonous body immediately appeared several eyes.
These eyes are different from those five bloody eyes.
They are ordinary eyes.
But after these eyes appeared, Xiaojin instantly felt a strong danger.
And this kind of premonition becomes stronger as it approaches gluttony.
Demon skills bloody beam!
A gluttonous stumble finally stabilized the body.
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