At present, this Yang Mi became a big star last year with the role of "Little East Evil" Guo Xiang!
This is not the first time Bao Shoes and Yang Mi have met. In fact, this is the second time they have met.
Before Fang Siyi and Yang Mi had a little relationship because of some things, I felt sorry. Yang Mi personally apologized and didn’t say that it was the first time I met Fang Siyi’s girlfriend.
Yeah, that is, children’s shoes
Now that we meet again, Yang Mi has become a big star, and the children’s shoes are just about to enter this circle. Naturally, they are very nervous.
However, although I saw that the children’s shoes were nervous, Yang Mi did not have the slightest intention
There is no such thing that she and Fang Siyigen became good friends because of some inconvenient reasons.
For a girl born and raised in Beijing Hutong, Yang Mi naturally has the atmosphere of a girl in Beijing Hutong.
Well, this kind of atmosphere does not reflect the face, but it does not reveal this kind of eye-catching atmosphere in speech and behavior.
Yang Mi Fang Siyi Nai gave him a big hug with a wry smile in the eyes of killing children’s shoes.
Then I laughed and joked with the bag "Wu Ying, you look too tight, but it will make Fang … hmm?" Picking his eyebrows and making an ambiguous expression almost made Bao Fei mad.
Then before the package responded, it took Fang Siyi’s shoulder and said with a smile, "Ha, you really didn’t say hello to me when you came to Beijing? Have you booked a hotel? Can I help you? Let’s go in our car. "Say that finish, Yang Mi took the initiative to go to the location.
Fang Siyi shook his head and gave a wry smile. After a while, he coaxed the children’s shoes into holding the small vinegar altar.
After seeing the address of the two cars, Yang Mi smiled and turned to the lift seat, and was about to speak when Fang Siyi slapped her hand off.
"ouch! How? A personal vendetta? " Yang Mi cried out in a fuss. Anyone can see that Fang Siyi has no strength.
"Good safety belt" Fang Siyi said casually.
"Gee!" Yang Mi smashed two mouths, but it’s rare to be obedient and take out your safety belt while looking back at the bag and winking at it. "Dance clever children’s shoes to discuss with you, ok? Can you give me half of your family? "
Bao picked an eyebrow and glanced at Fang Siyi, who was embarrassed. He so-called waved his hand and casually said, "You can take it if you like." The unexpected answer made Yang Mi smile and replied, "I dare not open everyone’s eyes to see a little girl like me?"
The teasing look on his face almost killed Fang Siyi when he spoke.
Two women "war" Fang Siyi don’t want to be involved in can endure a wry smile.
I spent all the way in an atmosphere of bickering.
Master Yu gave Fang Siyi a thumbs-up when the bus arrived at the destination.
After secretly looking at the two women, the driver’s master said, "The young man is dragging his feet?" Wow! "
Facing the admiring eyes of the driver’s master, Fang Siyi said that she can be in love now.
Although almost bickering all the way to come over, but let Fang Siyu escape the language is the car, and they don’t know how to be like sisters.
Sighed with luggage Fang Siyi followed into the hotel.
Although Fang Siyi is not short of money, but the idea of wealth is not obvious, the two finally chose this hotel
Although it is remote, the environment is good
Clean and tidy is the first impression of the hotel.
After paying the deposit, a group of three bosses led them to the second floor.
Although we have lived together, Fang Siyi chose Fannie and Freddie.
This made it impossible for Yang Mi, who was going to make some small jokes.
But she knew Fang Siyi and Bao children’s shoes had already lived together.
Don’t …
Eyes going round and round turn Yang Mi face rises with a fox’s bad smile.
After putting away the luggage, the three of them went downstairs together to find a restaurant nearby for dinner.
Of course, this Yang Mi greeting is her money.
In her words, it means to be the host.
Of course, Yang Mi also knows that Fang Siyi is a "landlord" and it is naturally impossible for "guests" to pay.
However, due to limited economy, this meal is an ordinary restaurant.
Over the years, after Fang Siyi’s conditioning, the children’s shoes have finally returned to "normal", and it will never happen again. At the beginning, the situation that he did not eat for Fang Siyi’s cooking was a moment of joy.
Chapter 35 Break up in discord
People in China usually have something to talk about. They are all wine tables.
The unique wine culture is also a normal state generally owned by China people.
Although Yang Mi is twenty years old this year, he has been acting "old" since he was a child.
Well, of course, the first child star is not Yang Mi but Li Xiaolu.
It is said that Qi Qi has been acting since his mother was pregnant. Although he was joking, he was used as a "prop" shortly after he was born.
A little understanding is based on the fact that the child stars in the mixed crew, together with their extraordinary talents, naturally make a lot of achievements.
Now it is the golden horse winner’s honor. Two years ago, it was popular all over the country with "All Angels Cause Trouble". It can be said that people are already a big star.
Cough, I always don’t look at Yang Mi, who is young now, but her child star debuted. Over the years, she has always been better than Siyi and Zhao Wuying.
At that time, it was really a bit of a talk.
I have to say that no one can save an oil lamp if he can become famous.
Fang Siyi regrets in my heart.
While eating Fang Siyi casually, he asked with a smile, "Aren’t you going to take some pictures recently? Why are you here today? "
"Yo … all of us are also pretty people-"Yang Mi smiled and said with a smile, "Isn’t Wu Ying going to participate in the selection of A Dream of Red Mansions?"
"Also? Do you want to participate? " Fang Siyi noticed the ten key words and asked curiously.
Bao Yuan’s angry face was instantly replaced by curiosity.
"Of course, that’s A Dream of Red Mansions!" Yang Mi grumpily took a white Fang Siyi freely said.
"ah? So … Sister Power, which role do you want to try? " Bao children’s shoes asked curiously
You can’t really blame Bao children’s shoes for being so nervous.
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沐浴在繁忙都市的喧嚣中,我们每个人都需要一段宁静的时光来放松身心。沐尚SPA,位于广州繁华地段,以其专业手法和舒适按摩,成为了都市人追求身心灵平衡的绝佳去处。 一踏入沐尚SPA,您就会被其优雅的环境所吸引。精致的设计、温馨的色调,营造出一种宁静舒适的氛围。专业的工作人员热情周到,为您提供个性化的服务和专业的建议,确保您得到最顶级的SPA体验。 沐尚SPA的按摩师都是经过严格筛选和培训的,他们拥有丰富的经验和精湛的技艺。在按摩过程中,他们会根据您的需求和身体状况,为您量身定制个性化的按摩方案。无论是舒缓肌肉疲劳、缓解压力,还是促进血液循环、改善睡眠,他们都能为您带来最佳的效果。 沐尚SPA的按摩手法多样,包括经典按摩、泰式按摩、中式按摩等。每种手法都有其独特的优势,能够帮助您放松身心,缓解疲劳。以下是一些沐尚SPA的特色按摩项目: 1. 经典按摩:采用传统按摩手法,以舒缓肌肉疲劳、缓解压力为主。按摩师运用轻柔的手法,帮助您放松身心,享受宁静的时光。 2. 泰式按摩:结合了泰国的传统按摩手法和瑜伽动作,有助于提高身体的柔韧性和协调性。在泰式按摩中,您将体验到独特的拉伸和挤压动作,让您身心焕然一新。 3. 中式按摩:以中医理论为基础,通过按摩穴位、疏通经络,达到调理身体、改善健康状况的目的。中式按摩具有舒缓疲劳、提高免疫力、促进血液循环等功效。 4. 精油按摩:选用高品质的精油,结合专业的按摩手法,为您带来身心的愉悦。精油按摩有助于舒缓压力、改善睡眠、提升免疫力。 在沐尚SPA,您还可以享受到其他丰富的项目,如面部护理、身体护理、水疗等。这些项目都能帮助您在忙碌的生活中找到一片宁静的净土,让您焕发出青春的光彩。 沐尚SPA致力于为每一位顾客提供舒适、专业的服务。在这里,您可以暂时放下生活的重担,尽情享受按摩带来的愉悦。让沐尚SPA成为您放松身心的理想之地,让专业手法和舒适按摩为您带来身心的完美平衡。