At this time, Yang Jian, a family worried about Yang Jian mansion, was sullen and sat alone in a white tiger soft chair with a glass. Next to him was a big black dog, which was lying lazily on Yang Jian’s foot. It was a huge bone at the dog’s mouth.
Yang Jian said after drinking a glass of wine in one breath. It seems that this promotion must be looking for trouble with me.
Master, you must be afraid of him again. You are
Shut up. Yang Jian interrupted Xiao Tian’s dog’s voice and said, "Don’t start this thing. Although I am powerful, the master won’t let me easily. If it weren’t for the master, I would be afraid of Zhang Sheng."
Whistling dog asked, so what is the master going to do now?
Yang Jian smiled and said, Let’s leave the celestial world for a while.
Whistling dog barked several times and said that the master is the first wizard in the celestial world. How can he escape?
Yang Jian gently stroked the smooth fur of the roaring dog and laughed at me. It’s not called running away, but avoiding its sharpness. When the time is right, this celestial world is in my pocket. Do I care for a while?
Whistling dog barked for two entertainments, apparently because his owner was happy. Yang Jian laughed. Well, you’re full, too. Let’s take it as a rest when we go to live in the human world for a while
Yang Jian’s black robe shook and a black light went up into the sky, which did not arouse suspicion in this deep night.
Early the next morning, Zhang Sheng took his disciples to the Buddha Taoist Palace.
Yuan Tianzun sat quietly in the futon as before. It seems that he will never walk from the futon. This Dan room is still fragrant, and Dan Ding seems to be refining some Dan medicine with a little white gas.
Meet the master
Brother see grandmaster Zhantian several people bow down together.
Yuan Tianzun opened his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth. He raised his hand slightly and said, Get up. Hehe, this Jiuli clan is one of the successors.
Zhantian several people dare not speak. Zhang Shengze is laughing. It is also a good thing to leave some blood for Jiuli gens.
Yuan Buddha responded with a cool smile, and when his right hand raised, the cover of the Dan Ding flew in the middle, and then he flew from the Dan Ding a mass of yellow things, and Zhang Sheng took one look at it, which made him feel big.
Yuan Tianzun ha ha smiled and said that these pills are my gift.
Zhang Sheng said that he was very unhappy and thanked his grandmaster.
Zhantian and others quickly said thank you grandmaster.
Zhang Sheng gave these Dan medicines to Zhantian evenly before they laughed. You are lucky. Take one pill of this Dan medicine and you will be penance for a hundred years.
Yuan Buddha smiled and nodded and said, you go first. I have something to say.
War day they dare not disturb respectfully back.
It was only after they went to the Yuan Dynasty that the Buddha smiled and looked serious for the first time. Yang Jian had already left the celestial world.
Zhang Sheng asked him one leng why he wanted to leave the celestial world.
Yuan Buddha responded with a cool smile and said slowly that he sent four brothers from the Magic Family to check your affairs in the human world. Now that it has been exposed and he doesn’t want you to face resistance, he chose to leave.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-three Law enforcement Buddha
Chapter two hundred and fifty-three Law enforcement Buddha
Zhang Sheng sighed. I really don’t understand this fellow. I’m always right about everything.
Yuan Tianzun also sighs that the truth is getting closer and closer, and when you come from hell, it will be completely over, and this ancient feud should be over.
The closer Zhang Shengdao gets to the truth, the more frightened I am. I always feel that the truth is very strange.
Yuan Tianzun’s eyes look straight ahead at the sound level of fresh water. Maybe. Anyway, it’s you who can’t shirk the truth of this history.
Zhang Sheng shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I didn’t want to shirk it.
Yuan Tianzun also smiled and said, when are you going to hell?
Zhang Sheng asked when Master was going to let me go.
Yuan Tianzun laughed. Your family just got together. Wouldn’t it be too disappointing if I let you go to hell now? How about you go to hell in half a month?
The party lasted for several hours, and the base was as drunk as a fiddler. They didn’t deliberately disperse the wine, but they were excited and warm, and it was not until late at night that Danding Palace regained calm.
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