At present, the creator is still a coward.
He secretly changed the sky but did not dare to destroy one of the creatures on this earth, but did not dare to grow all the bodies, secretly human blood but did not dare to be bloody forever, secretly human suffering but did not dare to remember forever.
He designed the cowardice of his fellow human beings to imagine the ruins and graves to set off the time of the Chinese house to dilute the pain and blood stains. He poured a cup of slightly sweet and bitter wine every day, not too little, not too much, and handed it to people to drink, cry, sing and wake up. He must also want to live if he knows it. He has not extinguished all human courage.
A few ruins, a few barren graves scattered on the ground, reflecting faint blood stains, people are chewing on people. I am miserable but I refuse to give up. It is better than nothing. Everyone says that the people are chewing on people. I am sorrowful and apologetic, and I am waiting for the new sorrow to come. This is their fear and thirst to meet.
This is the creator, the good citizen, and that’s what he needs
Rebellious warrior stands in man, he sees everything that has been changed into ruins and graves, remembers everything that is profound and long-lasting, looks at everything that is overlapped, silts up and coagulates, and knows that everything will be born before it is dead. He has seen through the trick of nature, and he will rise up, and Su Sheng or mankind will destroy these creators and good citizens.
The creator was timid and ashamed, so he hid heaven and earth in the eyes of the brave man and changed color.
April, 1926
Dead fire
I dreamed that I was running on an iceberg.
This is a tall iceberg connected with ice. Every day, frozen clouds are filled with pieces of fish scales. The branches and leaves of the ice forest at the foot of the mountain are all pine trees. Everything is cold and everything is blue and white.
But I suddenly fell into the ice valley.
It’s not cold and white around, but everything is blue, white, ice and red, and there are many tangled corals. I look down at the flames.
This is a dead fire and scorching shape, but it does not shake. The ice knot is like the tip of a coral branch, and black smoke is still solidified. It is suspected that this is the scorching from the fire house, which is reflected on the ice walls and reflects each other. The ice valley turns red coral color.
When I was young, I loved to watch the clippers stir up waves, and I not only loved to watch them, but also wanted to see them clearly. Unfortunately, they all kept changing, and although they stared and stared, they never left any signs.
The dead flame has got you first now
I picked up the dead fire to have a closer look at the cold air, which was anxious for my fingers, but I still managed to stuff him into my pocket and cried all around the ice valley, while thinking about the ice valley method.
I was sprayed with a wisp of black smoke, and the ice valley of the iron snake was full of red flames, and the fire gathered around me. I looked down and the dead fire had burned through my clothes in the ice.
Alas, my friend, you woke me up with your warmth. He said, I will hurry. He greeted him and asked his name.
I was abandoned in the ice valley first, and he replied irresponsibly that abandoning me had already died, and I was frozen to death. If you don’t warm me up, I will burn again, and I will soon die.
When you wake up, I’m thinking about taking the ice valley. I’m willing to take you there. You’ll never freeze and burn forever.
Alas, alas, then I will burn it out
I’m sorry if you burn it out, so I’ll leave you here.
Alas, alas, then I will freeze out.
So what should we do?
But what can you do? He asked instead
I told you I want this ice valley.
Then I won’t burn it out
He suddenly jumped on the red comet and I suddenly came to the big stone car outside the mouth of the ice valley. I finally ran over the bottom of the wheel, but I came and saw the car fall into the ice valley.
Haha, you will never meet a dead fire again, I said with a smug smile, as if I were willing to do so
April 23, 1925
Tomb inscription
I dreamed that my tomb was facing each other, and I read the inscription on it. It seemed that the tomb was full of sand and stones and overgrown with moss.
Cold in the sky, see the abyss in all eyes, and be saved in hope during the enthusiasm of Hao Ge.
A wandering soul turns into a long snake, and the fangs of Shekou don’t bite people, and they will eventually stumble.
I didn’t see the vegetation in the solitary grave until after I went around the tomb. That is, I saw the dead body’s chest and abdomen were broken and the central liver was broken from the mouth of the big que, but the face was never sad but misty.
I didn’t turn around in my doubts, but I have seen the residual sentences on the dark side of the tomb.
Know your heart, appetite, taste, pain, and cool taste.
Eat slowly after the pain, but your heart is old and your taste is known.
Answer me or leave.
I’m about to leave, and the dead body has sat up in the grave and said,
You will see me smile when I am dust.
I’m afraid to turn back when I run, for fear of seeing him follow.
June 17, 1925
Question hesitation
Remember a few dead and unborn
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