"Hoshino, are you deliberately provoking me? You must know that there is no good field for daring and gravity! "
Small yi unmoved cold hum 1.
"I don’t care?"
In a disagreeable conversation one word more is too many.
Although the leader said that in general, it is necessary to make friends with armed detective agencies, it is natural to be patient to be so provoked.
Nakahara Chuya’s body was red, and the energy fluctuated and flashed, and then he jumped towards Little Inari and kicked it. He moved so fast that he was as fast as lightning.
Yi is not wearing a football at the moment, and her speed is faster than her abnormal ability. Nakahara Chuya’s speed is almost instantaneous, and Nakahara Chuya has reached her side. Her leg is moving hard, and Yi can hear the break.
When she came, she raised her hands and crossed them to protect her head. If she heard a bang, the wall collapsed and the dust fluttered. She could faintly see that she was still there, and the brick of the wall flooded her bust. Her arms were still crossed. The forearm was abnormal and twisted. It was obvious that the bone was broken.
Good step on the horse!
Although it doesn’t hurt, who would like their bones to click and click?
"Even boys occasionally have to control their own weight? Did you grow up on the scales? "
Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and spoke while backhand several energy bombs forced Nakahara Chuya himself to turn over and leap out of the wall brick. Then Kaka broke two broken bones and broke them back. The powerful self-healing ability immediately played a role in the gradual healing of bone fractures
Nakahara Chuya cold hum.
"It seems that you are not white gravity."
After that, he glanced at the scattered wall tiles, and suddenly the fluctuation of red vision flashed across the wall tiles, and then they were suspended and flew towards Xiao Yi, thinking that every ordinary wall tile seemed to have a fateful force at the moment.
Xiao Yi’s intuition kept calling the police, which made her consciously flicker away from the first wave of wall bricks and suddenly hit the ground, cracking and splashing stones!
Yi was amazed at how this guy managed to guide/play a few bricks. Dave doesn’t even dare to brag like that when he sells goods. This guy actually did it?
At this moment, a wave of attacks began. Yi’s heart was full of lying troughs and he quickly dodged.
Nakahara Chuya sneer at in situ.
"Just not very will say? How can you hide now? "
He increased his abilities, and all the scattered bricks and stones flew up and became his weapons. They all fought against Yi. If ordinary people, I’m afraid there is no residue left.
Kanzawa ryunami and others looked at Xiao Yi with eyes as if they were watching a dead man. This hit was either dead or injured.
But just then a lively sound appeared.
"yo! Look here! "
The battlefield is not distracted. This is an attempt, but this sound is too special and familiar for Nakahara Chuya. The consciousness looks at the past. It is not him. Kanzawa ryunami and others also look at the past together. When they see the man coming out of the door of the apartment building, everyone opens their eyes slightly.
If the blink of an eye slammed with a loud noise, Nakahara Chuya stumbled and took a step back. He hastily raised his arm and was hit by an energy bomb. Suddenly, his blood dripped down his arm.
Not far away, there is a strange wall in front of Xiaoyi, which firmly blocks all attacks. Obviously, it is with this wall that she can successfully fight back. Of course, Osamu Dazai has just attracted the attention of the enemy.
Osamu Dazai immediately smiled and blew a whistle.
"Well done! It’s my partner! "
Yi took back the nut wall and went to meet him. She didn’t feel grateful at all, but she smiled instead of talking.
"You are my partner, and the scenery is good?"
She saw this guy poking his head in the building just now when she confronted this group of port mafia people, and watched with relish!
"Not bad, not wonderful"
Osamu Dazai’s answer was quite natural, as if he didn’t feel like he was enjoying his partner through the window at all. What’s the problem with one-on-one hitting a group? Xiao Yi’s expression made him want to kill someone.
On the other hand, Nakahara Chuya, Osamu Dazai’s former partner, was also very angry. He didn’t go to see Yi, who had just injured his arm, but stared at Osamu Dazai with anger for the first time.
"You traitor unexpectedly still dare to appear in front of me? It seems that you really want to be shot three times by me! "
Osamu Dazai still smiles in the face of such death threats and a group of black suits.
"I’m really sorry. Although I’m looking forward to hugging the goddess of death, what was killed by slugs? It’s disgusting to think about it. Rejected. "
Nakahara Chuya heard the same angry roar a way
"Dead mackerel, are you still in the port mafia?"
Speaking, he has rushed towards Osamu Dazai.
Xiao Yi couldn’t help feeling that he had just injured others, but instead took care of the lesson. Osamu Dazai said that Osamu Dazai’s arch fire was a must in a certain way.
However, in any case, Yi must not let Osamu Dazai be given by the port mafia.
Nakahara Chuya face a black eyes flashed anger.
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