It is different from his four-element magic spar, which is currently known to have dark magic crystal pit races, namely Nakma people, Necro spider people, Sanae evil spirits and Andy Botis faces.
It is said that among the four dark legions, the Nakma Legion is the strongest, the Necro Spider is the most ferocious, the Sana ‘ai has the largest number of evil spirits, and the Andy Botis ruled all dark seas.
Only by killing the soldiers of the Dark Legion can you get the Dark Crystal. According to Charles the Great’s call-up order, you can get the corresponding military merit and be promoted to the title.
The value of an unidentified dark crystal is two or three times that of an ordinary dark crystal.
At one time, some noble lords bought the dark magic crystal, and the price of the dark magic crystal soared to seven times that of the normal crystal, except for the crime of losing their territory.
Surdak Warsaw plane has killed many evil spirits and seen the unique magic nucleus and dark crystal. At first, he didn’t know that the dark crystal was so valuable.
The twelve young aristocrats in Bena Province were promoted to the count with a huge sum of dark magic crystals.
Surdak is an exception. He belongs to recovering a lost plane and repelling an inferno army. In addition, the military department has set up a heavy armored infantry regiment of 20 thousand people
Hathaway also secretly told Surdak last night that the Marquis of Lu Se originally asked him to expand his territory on the Bailin plane in order to accumulate wealth quickly. Finally, he took the army to Warsaw plane and turned around, so that he could accumulate gold coins to buy the Dark Crystal and finally be promoted to the title.
After Boehner allied forces captured Ruite, the military department recognized that the war was over.
No one expected that a magician ran out and knocked on a door, and then a noble member of parliament actually proposed to send some two-turn strong men into the Ganbu plane to arrest Lord mcdonnell. This matter was won in the House of Representatives, and a commando team composed of two-turn strong men successfully sneaked into the Ganbu plane to arrest Lord mcdonnell back to Bena City.
And Surdak actually seized this opportunity to successfully recover half of the dry cloth plane.
Then thirteen lords’ armies ran to the dry cloth plane to divide cakes through the Marquis of Lu Se.
Of course, this cake also has to be divided into the previous paragraph. The Marquis of Lu Se asked the noble lords of Bena Province to jointly recommend Surdak as a noble. There are these noble lords in it.
Now it seems that this recommendation signature has brought these lords considerable benefits.
However, the biggest beneficiary of this plane war is of course Surdak, who has acquired the fertile land equivalent to half of the plane and owned Mukuso City. Although it is a smashed city, it is definitely a potential stock, just like planting a fruit tree. Now, once it grows into a towering tree, it may be repaid ten times.
A magic van slowly stopped the road, and Thea pushed the car door and waved to Surdak from the inside.
Surdak hurriedly walked quickly to board the magic caravan.
Thea sat in the carriage with a small folding fan in his hand and smiled to Surdak and asked, "Boss, how did you get along with Count Philo? I saw Beatrice looking worried early. Did the manor get a cold shoulder? "
Surdak put his experience notes in his hand into his magic pocket and leaned against the sofa to enjoy the cool breeze of Thea’s fan and said casually.
"That’s not true. After all, we still have some business combinations, and everyone wants to maintain this harmony."
Thea sat back to the opposite sofa and said with some disappointment
"Then I’m looking forward to it for nothing."
Magic caravan street walk slowly thea this just patted his white forehead to Sue tak asked.
"Where are we going next?"
Surdak didn’t expect to get away so early and didn’t want to go back so early and think about it before saying it.
"Go to Bena Magic Free Market"
Thea told the coachman that the magic caravan was crisp and the whip was slightly faster.
Bena City Magic Free Market is the largest trading place for magical objects in Bena Province, from Warcraft materials to magical books, from magical gems to magical scrolls. Many exorcist people occasionally come to the free market to find some treasures.
The market is crowded with all kinds of food stalls, and the market is very lively.
The dark magic crystal is a unique spar possessed by the dark legion with deep prison power. It belongs to the magic core, a kind of almost growing dark warrior skull.
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