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beggar’s chicken
"Sister Ran, should you be a beggar chicken for Brother Li?" Dan Tai Li replied that she had never eaten a beggar chicken made by me. After that, Goo Zi looked at my long eyelashes in black and white, blinking and blinking.
Clearly goo-goo, this is a disguised form. Before asking me for it, he promised to keep his mouth shut. I nodded and said that it was something that must be done.
Glancing at Dan Tai Glass, I told Goo Tsai that if something goes wrong, there will be a demon Goo Tsai’s proud expression, saying that Dan Tai Glass is kind as a road liver and lung, and besides, let him eat it alone after I make a beggar chicken.
Dan Tai Li Ku frowned and said that he and Gu Zi are good brothers and should share the happiness. Gu Zi said that he would be reluctant to give Dan Tai Li a chicken head and two chicken feet.
Dan Tai Li Huan laughed and said it’s a good thing Goo Zi didn’t give him the chicken butt. Goo Zi said, then a chicken head with two chicken feet and a chicken butt.
I can’t help laughing when Dan Tai Li and Goo Zi bicker.
When the bickering between Dan Tai Li and Goo Zi came to an end, I asked Dan Tai Li when he would go to Wang Zhuopeng’s restaurant. Dan Tai Li said that he arrived in Tokyo at noon and thought that I would not be able to return home until late, so he turned to Zhongya Apartment.
Dan Tai Li answered my question and asked me what little wish I was going to ask the King of Minhou.
Dan Tai Li’s inquiry made my face smile. I said that my grandmother asked me to ask the Minhou king for my 24-year-old life. I wanted to ask the Minhou king for my grandmother’s wish.
Dan Tai Li said that I could make a small wish to Minhou Wang, and I nodded and said that I knew it, that is, because I knew that my wish would have one, I couldn’t bear to miss the opportunity.
Dan Tai Li said that I have to make my own determinism. If I decide, he will agree with my choice.
Dan Tai Li woke me up. Although I knew from Qinglong Jingpo that the shape of my body beads was close to the fifth level of Dacheng Bamboo Slip Kung Fu, my kung fu practice was extraordinary.
Frequency may come to Dacheng for a short time or stay in this state for a long time.
After Dan Tai finished speaking, he kept silent and focused on the car. I held it and sat on my leg. Goo Tsai couldn’t tell me the taste in his heart.
"It’s a little early for Sister Ran to struggle now, such as choosing a small wish. No one knows what rules the Minhou King will give." Goo Tsai pronounced at this time.
"Sister Ran has become stupid" Goo Tsai’s words made me smile bitterly.
Goo Tsai’s words can be described as waking up the dreamer in one word. I am here wondering which small wish I should ask the Minhou King. Maybe when I get to the Minhou King, both my small wishes will be realized.
"Sister Ran, don’t worry, it’s not a day or two before you become stupid. Brother Li and I won’t abandon you." Goo Tsai smiled and bent his eyes while covering his mouth.
"Glass also found it?" I glanced at Dan Tai Glass with a black line on my face.
"Little Master, I don’t want to lie down. Can you not answer this question?" Dan Tai Li’s eyes crusaded against the figurine Goo Tsai.
"It’s a bad habit for Sister Ran to be angry. The so-called advice is hard to listen to, but it’s good to do. You have to bravely admit the truth so as to improve." Goo Zi added another knife.
When I arrived at Wang Xiaopeng’s restaurant in Zhongya apartment with Dan Tai Li, Gu Zi, Wang Xiaopeng had locked the door of the restaurant and looked outside the main restaurant for approval.
Seeing our party coming, Wang Zhoupeng threw the restaurant key to Dan Tai Li and asked me to start with him at once.
Wang Zhoupeng said that the King of Minhou couldn’t go with me because I was a Dan Tai glass.
Dan Tai Li told me to pay attention to safety. I put Goo Zi into Yinzhu and Wang Zhuopeng before leaving Zhongya Apartment.
Wang Xiaopeng guided me to a box in the most luxurious hotel in Tokyo with him.
Wang Xiaopeng stopped at the door of the box and let me go in alone, saying that if the Minhou king blames us for coming too late, I will definitely explain to the Minhou king that he blames me.
After I nodded, Wang Zhoupeng bent down and lowered his eyes to push the balcony door for me.
Take a deep breath, I clenched my hand box and lifted my foot into the box.
As soon as I entered the box, Wang Zhoupeng fixed the box door for me. I saw a masked man sitting lazily on the box sofa.
The mask covered the man’s face, and most of his lips were exposed. The mask was half black, half red, and half black as blood.
"Tell me your little wish", said Wang Minhou, with his unique light, soft and strange sound.
"I have two wishes, and I want to tell you both. I want to know which of these two wishes is a small wish for you here." Stand still, I note that King Minhou’s exposed lips and Ba want to see through his emotions.
"Let’s hear it." King Minhou’s lip angle evoked radian and smiled gently.
Come on, Minhou Wang allowed me to tell Minhou Wang everything about my 24-year-old life robbery and grandma’s scourge, and then wait for Minhou Wang’s reaction.
King Minhou didn’t sit on the sofa immediately after I finished speaking, and tapped the sofa with my right finger.
In the box, there was no movement except the tapping on the sofa at the finger end of Minhou Wang.
Waiting for the answer period of Minhou Wang, as time goes by, I feel more uneasy and insecure.
I don’t expect too much when I wait until the end. I hope the marquis of Minhou won’t let grandma’s wish die.
After waiting for a long time, I finally heard the king of Minhou say again that my two wishes far exceeded my due reward.
The words of King Minhou made me feel depressed, and my eyes were dim. I saw King Minhou get up from the sofa and pace for a while, and then said that Wang Zhoupeng had praised me in front of him, so he granted me a wish.
King Minhou’s words raised hope in my heart. I heard King Minhou say that he could help me with my 24-year-old life robbery, but he couldn’t continue my life until the day when I was 24 years old.
I asked why. King Minhou said that my constitution was unusual, and I couldn’t continue my life for a moment, and there were too many preparations to be made for it.
After King Minhou told me about my birthday, he told Wang Xiaopeng that he would try his best to spare my life when I was twenty-four.
Try to smoke as much as possible in Minhou Wang’s words, so I can’t help but curse in my heart. I nodded and said I knew it. I went to the coffee table and put the box on the coffee table, and then Minhou Wang left the box.
Walking out, I heard the king of Minhou laughing behind me, and his face turned cold. I left the pace a lot faster.
Dan Tai Li said with a smile that she had brought it, and then asked Dan Tai Li if she had eaten it. I cooked it myself.
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