"It seems that there are too many places in the market world that Zhou doesn’t know."
"Of course!"
"What did the predecessors leave here?"
"The old monk keeps secrets from his little friends" Heiyakou
"There are not many places where you can go to the altar of creation. This is one of the places where you can fight with a chaotic fetus."
"Little friends can help me!"
"Tianmen? Creation altar? " Zhou Jia asked
"Please forgive the younger generation for their lack of knowledge and hope to give some advice."
"easy to say"
Black cliff nodded and wanted to think the way
"Little friends should rarely see Tianyuan League gold outside?"
Zhou Jia’s face was surprised
I haven’t seen it for so many years, but I haven’t seen it at all!
Although this world is big, it is impossible to see the speed and influence of golden creatures for so many years. It seems that the slightest movement has disappeared.
"Elder means …"
"they all went somewhere else?"
"Close" black cliff nodded.
"This is a complete world and just at the beginning of the world. The benefits are by no means comparable to scattered divinity."
"Most of the benefits are the altar of creation!"
"There is a complete divinity and the remains of fallen gods are also of great benefit to golden creatures."
"What …"
His eyes twitched.
"Let me wait a step further!"
"So that’s it."
Zhou Jia is clear
"So the altar of creation?"
"On the one hand, after the creation of heaven and earth, divinity and rules will be integrated into innate spiritual things, which will create all kinds of powerful creatures," Black Cliff explained openly.
"Although these creatures are powerful, most of them are irrational and versatile, and they usually take the second step."
"Create creatures that meet this side of the world!"
"Little friend, if you think about it, almost every rule has a similar saying in the whole world, but some worlds say that some have lost their trace."
Pangu Tian!
Nu Wa made man!
Zhou Jia’s face shows condensation.
"The same is true of this world."
Heiya avenue
"Someone who saw the chaos of the world and took away many gods and giants’ blood sacrifices in an attempt to create a vast door for sentient beings can also take the opportunity to break through the limits of this world and become similar to the dark mother emperor, and even the market world will not be able to restrain it much."
"Oh!" Zhoujiakou
"Did it fail?"
"Not bad"
Heiya nodded
"When it was about to succeed, it suddenly went crazy and swallowed everything, causing all living things in this world to be tortured by hunger."
"The giant here is a blood sacrifice creature-its brain is Tianmen, and you can enter the altar of creation through Tianmen."
"If you succeed in the creation of the altar, it will be a complete realm of law!"
"It’s a pity …"
He shook his head gently with regret and joy.
If this world god succeeds, there will be no foreign gold benefits.
"To tell you the truth, the fetus was really refined by the younger generation, but it was chaotic without refining, but refined the fetus of Yin and Yang separately."
"I’m afraid I can’t help you."
Black cliff chuckles
"Since I gave the pure method, I naturally thought that there would be a chaotic method to refine Yin and Yang today."
"Although there are not so many benefits, it is not impossible for Xiaoyou to get a seventh-order certificate, even if he achieves gold in the future."
Zhou Jia’s heart sank
This is not going to let yourself go.
Chapter 146 Yan Pu Town
"What …"
Zhou Jia looked directly at each other and asked
"What do you want me to do to send you to the altar of Genesis?"
Zhou Jia nodded slowly.
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