To be one of the planes that he has infiltrated, he has had direct contact or contact, and his strength has not touched the level of Chaos God, so he will die of the difference of "forever robbing the source of suffering"
Even the stars in the world will either die or die, or collapse or fight … The situation will go into destruction.
the weak
There is no resistance at all for him.
Ever since he made contact.
The other person’s life, sorrow, joy and sorrow are just his thoughts.
after all
It is Olga’s specialty to bully the old, the weak and the sick from birth.
Even when he arrived at the Demon Lord, he didn’t forget that he was still persistent.
It is normal for him to have some achievements in this field.
Occasionally, he will recall the feeling that when he was just born, he personally smashed the devil’s eggs beside him, and the same kind of people were not yet developed, killing the flesh and blood and devouring the soul.
First kill
In retrospect, it was always so warm and comfortable for him.
It’s a wonderful feeling that you can’t feel when you occasionally destroy several planes for fun at this moment.
It can be said that life will grow
The demand for entertainment means will be correspondingly high.
Long magic life
It’s always a little lonely as snow
Only by doing bad things on one’s own interest for three days can one continue to live.
For example, when fate comes, he has to kill himself
Or look at the mood or look at the time
There are no rules.
Just as that requires learning at all times.
When it is at room temperature, it is new.
After all, it is a virtue
And killing by family members is countless.
After all, those guys who are free-range foes in Olga destroy the world and the plane all the time.
One is more free than the other.
Many places have tarnished his ordinary reputation.
Make it notorious!
It can be seen that most of their achievements are not so good.
Otherwise, kill the prey.
Olga’s famous head can’t be so fierce!
Besides that.
After all, people have to do things themselves to have more satisfaction!
this aspect
Although Olga Kagan is not human
But the truth is still the same!
Chapter 1 Revealing Power
after an hour
Luidera i.
In a hotel near the center of the island
The room comes with an outdoor balcony.
Olga is sitting there with his legs crossed, looking lazy and bathing in the sunshine from the sun in the sky.
Surrounded by dozens of different precious materials and exquisite cooking skills, all kinds of delicious food and rare wines will be treasured by ordinary people.
Just like KUU——344 said "You’re welcome" before.
The idea that Olga didn’t save anything for the organizer was born in his mind.
No matter what the requirements are, he is not polite and casual.
Anyway, it’s over!
All kinds of delicacies and protected animals have been brought to the table.
With a soft smile, a maid in a sexy bikini looks like an excellent person. She forked a piece of fish from the golden plate in front of her and handed it to Olga’s mouth and asked softly.
"My Lord, would you like to try this dish?"
"It looks very nice."
Trying to eat is a blessing attitude.
Face what is handed to your mouth.
Olga didn’t refuse anything and just opened his mouth.
By the other hand to feed themselves.
And like this, there are two maids who feed Olga.
There are also maids who are responsible for massage and are responsible for acting as substitutes.
It seems that he is extremely comfortable.
The day of corruption and depravity goes on as usual.
Ask Olga to think.
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