Two town councilors went out through the window and came to the street. With the help of Suto Pupil, they saw a two-story red brick building that was almost destroyed. Someone ran out with his forehead covered with blood.
The horse face and the black mosquito quickly exchanged glances, and they both saw that each other’s faces were tense because that small building was the place where Chiying was put!
"Is that woman awake?" Black mosquito said in a small way
Horse face shook his head and said, "It’s impossible for her to lie down for three or five days because she was poisoned by the old white magic poison. It’s impossible to wake up so quickly."
The words sound just fell and two members saw a red cloud floating out of the thick smoke, impressively wearing a scarlet cloak and Chiying.
"Damn it"
"How can this happen!"
They both screamed at the same time, then quickly took out the holy medicine and drank it. They also exhibited the’ black saint’ form.
On the other side, Chiying raised her hand and held the’ zither’ in the ruins with five fingers. A golden light fell on her hand when it rang. It turned out that it was the golden sword that was put away by the horse face.
Chiying, the great swordsman, suddenly flashed forward at the corner of the black mosquito’s eye.
Black mosquito looks just to see Chiying’s sword splitting the horse’s face.
The brilliant golden light that the sword didn’t see before it bloomed split the shape of the’ black saint’ of the horse face like the midday sun, and the aftermath stopped and cut all the buildings and streets behind it!
Chapter 1363 The end of the town
In the darkness, the shadow is thick and dark as mucus, and suddenly there is an eye pupil floating. It has a vertical stripe-like pupil, and there are dense light gray lines around it, which are like worms.
A demonic figure emerged from the vertical pupil. It was a man with a black crystal protruding from his forehead. Behind him were two pairs of membrane wings full of holes. Behind him, there was a rotten arm around his waist. Those arms had mouths.
The man’s skin is covered with black bumps, which are very hard and dense, forming a unique’ armor’.
The man’s mouth keeps cracking, and when he speaks, he exposes the muscles and gums in his mouth.
And this demon-like man is being chased by two Razers and finally encounters several dark thunders, which turn him into a lifeless body.
A moment later, another eye turned out in the darkness.
This eye reflects a figure at the same time.
This man has a horse face, and behind him is a pair of plump black wings. There are black oil stains surging through the cracks of the wings and feathers, and they drip from the tips of the wings to the ground from time to time.
There are pieces of unreal black scales on the skin of the horse’s face, and two horns like goats emerge from both sides of his head. His body has light yellow lines that light up and are distributed around like leaves.
At this time, this figure in the pupil’s eyes was cut by a big golden sword and divided into two parts by the sharp golden sword light.
The light yellow light gradually lit up in the darkness, which reflected clouds of black matter expanding rapidly, rising like bubbles and bursting at the top.
The darkness boiled over.
Many residents who participated in the search, almost everyone who could move in the town, flooded the streets and even the dangerous wilderness outside the town showed a search.
This is the largest operation in the town in the past 30 years, and every resident has no complaints. After all, this continues in the town.
A few indigenous people are going to search in Yang Kun’s room again. Suddenly, the door of the small building on the second floor exploded and suddenly hit.
Several residents are Zheng, and then they see figures coming out of the door.
Impressively, it was that young man who went to the sanctuary with committee memb Pan Da. He brought some young women!
Seeing them, especially the three young women in the back, the eyes of these residents lit up, and they quickly released signals to inform residents and Committee members to come over.
At the same time, drinking’ secret medicine’ will make your body appear gray lines and let your back grow plump wings.
At the moment, there was a faint explosion in the depths of the town, and dust could be seen rising, but now the residents pay attention to these outsiders, or rather the three young women.
"They are very young …"
"It’s a young woman. I almost forgot how many years I haven’t seen young girls. They are all so beautiful!"
"Can’t let them go! Never let them go! They are us and us! "
"Be careful not to kill them and hurt their hands and feet. Anyway, even if they don’t have hands and feet!"
"She is me! It’s me! "
Finally, a man couldn’t help yelling out of control and jumped at a woman.
But he swept through the street and suddenly found that he and the woman had a few cold crescent moons. He passed by several crescent moons and saw that his wings were divided, one arm slipped and he fell to the ground.
For a second or two, he couldn’t understand how he could see these parts of his body, and when he saw a bust without a neck, he would be white.
"What they say always makes me feel that they say something disgusting." Moonlight frowned at the head not far from her feet.
At this time, the first few residents and the indigenous people who were attracted to it became crazy and distorted, shouting that Tianyang could not understand the local language.
Although they are crazy, they can still divide their work properly, holding swords and shields as strikers, and guns as cover behind them.
In the face of indigenous crazy attack Tianyang raised his hands and pointed forward at the same time.
The street thundered and thundered, but I didn’t see the slightest light. But those indigenous people who acted as strikers were red and shiny, and then their hair faded rapidly. Their hair caught fire and their skin melted. They seemed to have just been hit by thunder riots, and the soles of the running ground were stuck to the street in an instant.
Into statues, they are already dark and charred corpses, and their eyes have melted, and they are smoking from the holes.
The original excitement shouted that the indigenous people couldn’t cry out, and then the excitement in their eyes gradually faded, and instead they poured out fear from the depths of their hearts.
However, at the end of the day, the sun or the indigenous people took further action, and suddenly the street light was slightly dim
The sun suddenly raised its head and looked up at the’ Suto Pupil’, and it was as dim as moonlight, and the fog was as dim as the tide swept across every inch from a distance.
Then, without the slightest sign, suddenly, the moon was not far away, and an extremely dark thing appeared in the void. It exuded depravity and evil, and the twisted dark thing raised its eyes and cracked its mouth.
Its body stretched continuously and soon formed an arm as thick as the’ sky corridor’.
That’ arm’ seemed to come out from another room. It appeared in the town, and it was cold and shining. It was as if it had leaned into the stove, and it was sizzling, white flames rose, and smoke rose, which was somewhat traumatic.
But it didn’t flinch, and as soon as it crashed into the Suto pupil, it sounded crisp and cracked, and then the light in the street town quickly dimmed.
Tianyang frown raised his hand and said "advanced house"
They quickly withdrew into the room, took some lamps by moonlight and lit the rare earth substance to make the lampshade glow warmly.
"Go out and have a look!"
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沐浴在繁忙都市的喧嚣中,我们每个人都需要一段宁静的时光来放松身心。沐尚SPA,位于广州繁华地段,以其专业手法和舒适按摩,成为了都市人追求身心灵平衡的绝佳去处。 一踏入沐尚SPA,您就会被其优雅的环境所吸引。精致的设计、温馨的色调,营造出一种宁静舒适的氛围。专业的工作人员热情周到,为您提供个性化的服务和专业的建议,确保您得到最顶级的SPA体验。 沐尚SPA的按摩师都是经过严格筛选和培训的,他们拥有丰富的经验和精湛的技艺。在按摩过程中,他们会根据您的需求和身体状况,为您量身定制个性化的按摩方案。无论是舒缓肌肉疲劳、缓解压力,还是促进血液循环、改善睡眠,他们都能为您带来最佳的效果。 沐尚SPA的按摩手法多样,包括经典按摩、泰式按摩、中式按摩等。每种手法都有其独特的优势,能够帮助您放松身心,缓解疲劳。以下是一些沐尚SPA的特色按摩项目: 1. 经典按摩:采用传统按摩手法,以舒缓肌肉疲劳、缓解压力为主。按摩师运用轻柔的手法,帮助您放松身心,享受宁静的时光。 2. 泰式按摩:结合了泰国的传统按摩手法和瑜伽动作,有助于提高身体的柔韧性和协调性。在泰式按摩中,您将体验到独特的拉伸和挤压动作,让您身心焕然一新。 3. 中式按摩:以中医理论为基础,通过按摩穴位、疏通经络,达到调理身体、改善健康状况的目的。中式按摩具有舒缓疲劳、提高免疫力、促进血液循环等功效。 4. 精油按摩:选用高品质的精油,结合专业的按摩手法,为您带来身心的愉悦。精油按摩有助于舒缓压力、改善睡眠、提升免疫力。 在沐尚SPA,您还可以享受到其他丰富的项目,如面部护理、身体护理、水疗等。这些项目都能帮助您在忙碌的生活中找到一片宁静的净土,让您焕发出青春的光彩。 沐尚SPA致力于为每一位顾客提供舒适、专业的服务。在这里,您可以暂时放下生活的重担,尽情享受按摩带来的愉悦。让沐尚SPA成为您放松身心的理想之地,让专业手法和舒适按摩为您带来身心的完美平衡。