Li Yu’s dancing halberd breaks the wind like a muffled thunder, which is simply to cross the river and split Gu Yueru into thousands of horses and swallow Wan Li horse.
The old Taoist priest took out three pages of silver and looked at it carefully. It was not a scripture or an avatar, but an ancient Zhang Dan.
"Nine turns to God Dan?"
He recited it lightly, which attracted Duan De’s attention, and made him cry as if he had missed nature.
"Is it nine turn elixir? It is said that even the emperor can prolong the life of the peak emperor for two thousand years? "
The good Taoist priest screamed and jumped up like a groundball and jumped to the old Taoist priest’s side.
His eyes were burning, and when he heard the word "nine turns", he flew. It was almost like being a fairy in the daytime.
"Nine-turn elixir, not elixir, is exactly a follow-up imitation, which can’t achieve that effect. It has no effect on the emperor, but it has excellent effect on prolonging life for the strong."
The old Taoist priest didn’t hurry and let the light in Duan De’s eyes go out gradually. Like losing his soul, he lay down again. A few rays of Lei Guang crackled and flashed, adding three points of desolation.
His lightning strike seems to be meaningless and urgent.
Besides, it’s also a loss of two piles. Although it’s far from being an elixir, it’s also good. It must be the hard work of the strong in the ancient heaven in the past.
The halberd, which was carried by the ancient Chinese king, was a holy soldier, but it was sealed and not stimulated, but Rao was so horrible and ferocious that he showed his power
I didn’t get any of these two, but I was also struck by lightning. Duan De was very wronged and hugged himself silently. It was very hurt and sad.
"Get up, Taoist priest. There’s still a lot of luck in it. It must be a tree hanging."
Li Yu shouldered the spurge and got a holy soldier contentedly, but it was a great accident. Although it was sealed, the Great Sage of Cai nationality was afraid that it would not be solved.
He glanced at whining, climbed up Duan De and went to the depths.
For a while, but I didn’t see the altar again. Instead, a strange stone statue stood in front with its back to the crowd like a figure standing there to block the road ahead.
This time, Duan De was very careful not to get close to it, but far away to create a statue of the Taoist temple.
When he touched the stone statue, there was no Lei Guang and generate, but in an instant, the evil wind roared, the black fog was monstrous and peaceful, and the temple was no longer calm and sobbing, and the ghosts screamed and all kinds of gods danced and boiled.
"God damn it, it’s hard for Taoist!"
The good Taoist priest is indignant, which is too bullying. It is his bad luck every time.
At that time, the darkness in the sky was more terrifying than that of a building, which covered the whole sky. Suddenly, many figures appeared and fell from it to kill the three of them.
"The worse? !”
The old Taoist priest stared at the suddenly emerging building directly with his eyes shining, and there were several ancient words carved in Archaic, which turned out to be "Nantianmen!"
"How can it appear here in the Temple of God in the Southern Tianmen?"
Even Li Yu was surprised and looked at the plaque.
Only Duan De was very embarrassed and fled back and forth from the sky, and his clothes were torn. There was a dark heavenly palace where ghosts walked at night. It was really strange to gather here.
"Master Dao remembered that the stone statue was about to break this array, and maybe you can get a treasure!"
De’s mind turned sharply when he fled to kill Zhong Duan, and he remembered the origin of the stone statue. He lived too long, and maybe he saw it with his own eyes.
Upon hearing this, the old Taoist priest immediately took out his palm and pointed his finger, and suddenly swept across the order of blooming light. The chain of gods rushed into the sky and intertwined into a terrorist array, smashing all the many heavenly soldiers, and Hwa-Sung Do lost his blood and bones.
In an instant, the evil wind dispersed, and the magic shadow did not all return to peace.
"What baby makes you so excited?"
Li Yu’s curiosity can make Duan De say that it is a big baby thing, which must be great.
"This is a treasure against the sky!"
Duan De mysteriously before hands constantly playing divine light up all kinds of complex runes turned out to be the whole stone turned around.
Cried a terrible ShaQi foaming at the mouth and let a person involuntarily up a layer of goose bumps pores are cold.
This stone statue is shaped like a spectre, darker than ferocious ink, and full of ominous breath. If it weren’t for the suppression by the old Taoist priest, it seems that all living creatures could be cut off.
"Some broken. It seems that there was a terrible war in the past."
Li Yu looked at the black spectre stone statue carefully, and it looked a little broken. There was a light crack on its surface, like it was a few times, and it had experienced a very bitter war.
"This is a humanoid war, which originated from the ancient heaven in the past."
Duan De seems to have been reminded of memories, and some vicissitudes of life have told the story of the origin of this stone statue.
To be exact, it is a kind of magic circle with poor power. All mysteries are carved with a stone statue, and once it is launched, it will be overwhelming. It can even drive the corpse. Their strongest weapon can be beheaded, and the leader can be killed into a king. It can kill the ancient sages and seize the wonders of heaven and earth.
"Of course, when this column of stone statues is complete, it is the humanoid array refined by the digital quasi-emperor of the ancient heaven who devoted all his life. According to that year, there was a time when a holy spirit was born.
In the end, it was trapped and killed by such a circle; Of course, more than one stone statue, but a complete sequence together is the complete effort of the prospective emperor in the past. Unfortunately, this stone statue is damaged and traumatized. "
Duan De regrets that this is a statue of a spectre, which should include nine statues of ghosts, figures and immortals, each of which is an unparalleled array.
"So that one is a stone statue?"
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