If you don’t respect God, you don’t respect heaven and earth, and you don’t respect heaven.
Despising the Emperor of Heaven is to hit him in the face, that is, to hit heaven and earth in the face and heaven in the face.
And the saints in the wilderness should not be called by their first names, nor should they be insulted
Violation will lead to doom.
Explaining the younger brother has committed all these crimes, and naturally he brought in the murder.
Of course, that’s the only way. This robbery has not evolved into a robbery against the Ministry of Immortals.
After all, it’s the limit that you can get yourself killed if you make a mistake, and it’s not just about bringing trouble to all the immortals.
The real cause of this robbery still comes from innate self-hatred.
Sanqing took the lead in the day after tomorrow, and the change of land directly abolished the innate and acquired generations.
Although they succeeded in this move, they also offended the innate Tao to death.
Can there be no price for another day?
Can’t the innate 10,000-way counter-attack resist the three clean-ups and the heavenly fairy road? All that comes from the innate multi-way self-attack falls to the celestial body.
Although this anti-bite force is strong, it will be completely wiped out one day with the growth of the day after tomorrow, but all this has one premise, that is, there will be no accidents
But at this time, the younger brother’s contempt for the Emperor of Heaven angered Heaven, and he attracted the murder himself.
It’s this killing that directly detonated the innate multi-way self-attack like a lead, thus evolving a disaster for the whole fairy road.
This is the innate response to the acquired response.
In this robbery, all the monks in Heaven who are trained in heaven will be robbed in terms of their origins.
Spent a free time!
You can’t die!
After knowing the reason, Sanqing’s face turned black.
They didn’t expect that there were so many troubles waiting for them to solve after creating the fairy road.
But even so, Sanqing has no regret at all, and the trouble it caused is more beneficial than the fairy road.
Sanqing’s face is black, and the performance of Yu Shengren is much more indifferent after realizing the reason of this robbery.
Nu Wa’s face is still a look of self-denial and high-hanging. Obviously, at this time, he didn’t know that the killing and robbery was started by his hand.
If you really want to know, he probably won’t be cool.
The prospective couple are frowning as if worried that the disaster will wave to their west.
After all, contempt for heaven also has their share in the West.
Yu Feng Zichen just wrote the four characters of schadenfreude on her face, and her expression was very bad. If this place was not Zixiao Palace, I would have hit him early in the morning.
"The reason for this robbery is that you already know that being original will not be described much."
"It’s not this thing that called you here today, but another thing."
With that, a list appeared in the hands of Hongjun Daozu and put it in front of everyone.
"Master, what is this?"
Feel the list strong fluctuations too clear saint could not help but ask.
"This treasure is heaven, and it is also called the list of gods. It is this treasure that you are called here today."
"There are bound to be several fairy gods when the fairy gods kill and rob, so there is a good life in heaven, so those creatures who are robbed leave a chance."
"and this ray of life will be named as a god."
"The name on the list says that if you are killed, you can pin this treasure on the true spirit."
"If a famous person is killed in a robbery, it will be gray. After hundreds of millions of years of practice, it will be all gone."
Pointing to the list of gods, Hongjun Daozu spoke of his merits.
It was after hearing the function of making gods list that they frowned instead of liking it.
In this world, there is no such thing as pie falling from the sky. Since this list of gods has such a function that it can keep people alive, it is impossible to make it without cost.
You know, if you want to be immortal in this world, you can only practice to the realm of Luo Daozun, and this list of gods can make people remain immortal like Luo Daozun
This alone is enough to go against the sky.
But it is this that Sanqing will worry that the more things go against the sky, the greater the price will be paid.
The domination of all beings in heaven and earth is also the embodiment of heaven.
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