Well, to be honest, I don’t know if I was sent to protect you, or to protect Qing N. I just have to make sure Qing N doesn’t fall.
It’s me. I’m familiar with the stereo from Leitian, and I’m coming from outside. I’m wearing a green S robe, yu Ding Tiandi.
The faces of the five heavenly emperors are all ugly. yu Dingtian Emperor, this is Ma Wei. It’s nothing strange to go back to heaven and come back. He wants this position, but yu Di is definitely willing to give it, but it’s terrible that he is now in his own territory and has not been discovered by himself.
Leitian is also keenly aware of this. This yu Ding Emperor has been hiding his strength.
I’m afraid the chances of success are about half if two heavenly emperors help yu Ding at Fumofeng.
Yu Ding demonstrated that the five emperors looked at each other and smiled and didn’t do it.
Yu Ding Tiandi said, I brought enough people this time. You just need to take over Yingzhou people. Qingcheng Night Emperor N will stay in Penglai and Yingzhou Fairy will help you.
Yu Ding took such a long time to come here to communicate with these N factions. Of course, no one wants this coolie, but three N-sent immortals have the strongest fighting capacity in Kyushu. If the strength of celestial beings is crushed, it will be made up by quantity.
In this way, it is equivalent to the power of heaven to crowd out Kyushu gas refiners from Yingzhou, which is not good for the future and will make Kyushu gas refiners unhappy.
In heaven, this kind of thing has become familiar and has given these N factions corresponding benefits at will. These three N factions have promised to stay and help.
In fact, it’s not good for these three N factions. It can be said that killing the Kunlun immortals less is not necessary for heaven. This is the last thing they need. They plundered several worlds, and all the qualified ones were merged in 33 days, and all the unqualified ones became the materials for refining the celestial immortals.
Leitian holds the Star Market, N is not heaven, Fuxing Market, N also depends on the materials you need in N, and the amount of materials in heaven is huge, which can be said to be an exhausting place for manpower, that is, counting fairy wares.
Over the years, Heaven has never made a move for coveting the fairy wares of Kyushu.
Yu Ding sent Emperor Leitian to take some magic soldiers with him, so he rushed to Yingzhou Road from that magic city. Two people were ordinary dodgers and deliberately slowed down.
Leitian asked his predecessors to deter the five heavenly emperors.
Not you yet.
The five heavenly emperors want to treat me
No, they don’t have the guts unless yu orders
Because the five heavenly emperors hope to finally occupy Rongzhou, after you get Yingzhou, according to the agreement of heaven, Yingzhou is the foundation of green N. You can take everything here, and as soon as the five heavenly emperors are in charge, people can naturally embrace Rongzhou.
It all feels incredible for nothing.
Why not? It’s no good for Heaven to fight everywhere. Why do these heavenly emperors rely on yu Dilumbi’s strength?
It’s not difficult to think about Leitian, the largest Kunlun in Kyushu, to give everyone enough benefits to do things in Kunlun, just like Emperor yu.
But Kunlun wants to dominate Kyushu, which is why everyone has resisted. Even if there is no heaven to help this matter, Penglai can’t help it. It must be joined by Qing N and Night Emperor N.
I wonder where Li Bihu is now at the thought of the night emperor N Leitian. Li Bihu should have arrived in Yingzhou according to his own plan, right?
What if I don’t withdraw from Rongzhou?
Yeah, but the Five Heavenly Emperors will always find some way to get rid of them when they are sleepy, or they will leave or say that they will not be responsible for what happens in Rongzhou.
How many years will that take?
It will take ten thousand years to destroy Kunlun, which is not easy.
10,000 years is enough. Ha ha ha ha.
Yu ding sent emperor looked at leitian road enough.
Well, in 10,000 years, I want to be an advanced emperor.
You’re okay, aren’t you? Practice has taken a fork in the road. yu Ding Tiandi asked with a cold heart.
Don’t say that Leitian is a pick Jin Xian, even if it is a pick Jin Xian, it can’t be said that it will take 10 thousand years to advance to the emperor. This is two concepts, and the pick Jin Xian and the emperor root are two life forms.
Do you want to make a bet?
How is leitian road possible? I’m surprised that the heavenly soldiers sent a lot but didn’t target the Kunlun leader. Who should I look for?
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