After buying this big killer, it should probably be bigger.
It seems that I am not a really nice person. I took a sip of a slightly cold drink. Tang Yi scattered his mouth with a faint scene, which was behind the scene but vaguely revealed a hesitant struggle.
Everyone’s heart is full of light and darkness, and when the light dominates the wind, his actions tend to be good and dark, and when the wind prevails, his thoughts tend to be evil. Even the evil and cruel man has decided that there is a bottom line, even the pious and kind godly nuns can understand these dark thoughts.
Light and darkness weave each other to correct mistakes, and this has become a living person.
You are not a good person when you come. Don’t you have a lot of dark, deep and evil thoughts in your heart?
Never mind who I am, answer my question first. You have a lot of evil in your mind.
Everyone will give me some ideas about these things, and it’s okay
The dark thoughts of others are occasional, but what about you? You often think about destroying the world, don’t you?
When did I think about these things, and I don’t have that ability
You, your body has suffered misfortune, and you want others to suffer the same misfortune. That’s how people are. Admit it, dare you say that you have never dreamed of extinction?
I’m not the kind of person who will hurt others casually. I’m not one or two people who dream of extinction.
Where’s Tang Xian? She’s your sister. Why do you want her to go to Yijinjing? Why should a little girl let her master this top martial arts secret?
I’m good for her. Strange things often happen around me. I want her to have some ability to protect the land.
Is it really like this? You must know that if she gets into trouble like this, she will get into trouble more severely than before. You can easily think of it with wisdom, can’t you? Let her get into trouble and make mistakes, and then you can help her with those troubles, so that she will be afraid that she will cause great trouble one day. The voice has not stopped and continues to tell in a strange low voice.
You just want to protect her and drive her away. What’s the big deal? Let her go to Yijinjing and learn her strength, so you can let her stay here. You know that it is impossible to really protect her strength in a short time with Yijinjing. Any one of those evil spirits will kill her, right?
You deliberately provoked her dissatisfaction with that family, didn’t you want her to hate her parents, made her hate her parents and eventually destroyed that family? Isn’t that what you meant?
That man abandoned his mother and didn’t even come to see her when she died in the hospital. You hate him, don’t you? I hate it, too. Why should a crazy girl suddenly come out and be left at home? Is it really your kindness? See how dark your thoughts are. When you destroy and retaliate against others, you will fall into a kind name.
If you leave her with you, you will protect her now, but after that family collapses, she is no longer needed. Just find a place with evil spirits and leave her inadvertently, and she will become the target of attack. Didn’t you leave several marks on her body? Those marks are more conspicuous than those in the evil spirits’ induction.
Admit it, you are an evil hypocrite. When you were powerless, you concealed everything about yourself. But now you have an admirable strength. Why didn’t you directly seek revenge from that person? Instead, you continued to carry out your own plan because you wanted to destroy him personally and destroy his spirit. His family was his career in the end. Luo Xiaoxiao’s father was a very successful businessman. If you had a chance, you would surely swallow up that person’s property because of saving your life.
Look, you have made a thorough plan. On the second day of her arrival, you have already made a basic plan. After Luo Xiaoxiao, the location of the evil spirit, she was asked to go and see the dark and bloody evil spirit. You not only got money and friendship, but also buried a chess game to awaken the power of death. That is an accident, right?
Say it. Why don’t you say it
Quiet and mysterious, I saw silver pipes connected with each other and woven into an endless silver giant. The continuous silver embellished this as if it were a dream. Beautiful waves and strong shocks were released from that pipe, which influenced each other all the time. This silence finally stayed with two figures. What are you?
The black figure laughed and even bent over. Come to me. What am I? Hahahaha, who am I? Of course that’s you. Look, you’re still so hypocritical, you know.
I am another you.
Really? I don’t remember being so crazy and hysterical. That white figure is just entering the spiritual world. Tang Yi is scattered in the bottom of my heart now. Suddenly, after another sound, he barely meditates and finally enters this familiar place, but now I don’t know when this calm one has shown another figure.
It’s annoying to be busy. You and I are just the same. When did I become your busy person or say that you are my busy person? The black figure gently bent up the corner of his mouth and smiled a little sarcastically. His face was the same as Tang Yi’s, and the body colors of the two people were the same. One was black and the other was white.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-four Thousand illusions
PS still stops today, which seems to be due to the overload of every video fan tripping at night.
Dark light is an inseparable whole, whether you or I are Tang Yi scattered. You know very well, don’t you? Black figure, right hand, palm, a black light flashes, and the light gradually distorts and eventually becomes an ordinary knife. Holding this ordinary knife horizontally, the shadow gently bows its head and stares at the weapon in its hand. My name is here.
The illusion of floating life is easy to show because of the shift of shape.
As he crooned, the spirit-cutting knife in his hand was magically scattered for an unspeakable seven-color brilliance. After the light faded, I saw that the spirit-cutting knife in his hand had turned into a emerald sword about three feet and seven inches long. The sword was full of green light, and the Long Xing light was constantly wandering, and the shocking shock wave rose to the sky. In this far-reaching consciousness, a green strength spread from him. After this strength came into contact with the silver giant, it immediately let the big one be covered with a faint green light.
See each other’s hands to cut the spirit knife changes Tang Yi suddenly surprised in the heart, and the palm of his hand turned over and followed him to summon his own spirit knife, but after several summonses in his heart, he managed to conate his palm by himself, but there was no response.
Yo, what are you doing? Are you summoning a spirit-slaying knife? Gently lift the emerald sword in your hand. There is a smile in his tone. It’s a pity that she won’t respond to you because I have it.
Are you surprised? The dagger is here, but it won’t respond to your call. You don’t know her name yet, don’t worry, I won’t tell you.
A sword in one’s hand gently stabbed forward, followed by a sword stabbing, and a bright green phantom rushed forward. When it was three or four meters away from Tang Yi’s scattered body, the bright green firm but gentle had reached the front. This bright green firm but firm firm firm but not scattered for more than three meters, which seemed to be indestructible, had already saved a little time in his skin. Although he didn’t feel pain, his arm had already shown a few subtle blood stains.
After trying to summon the spirit-chopping saber, Tang Yi-san felt a little bit of language. The spirit of Zhang Qiang, the right hand, immediately poured into the palm of his hand, but blink of an eye kung fu had already condensed a silver sword in his hand.
A sword against the green sword mans pick Tang Yi scattered feel tough and heavy hand this bunch of firm but gentle unexpectedly strong.
He suddenly added a few minutes of strength and finally picked the angle of the firm but gentle sword, but at this moment the bright green sword has been stabbed in the same slender palm.
Although the speed of flat stabbing of the blade is not fast, it gives birth to a sense of unavoidable embarrassment. Although the bright green sword surface has gone, it is just now that the thick and powerful shock wave is surprisingly strong, but Tang Yi is scattered, but I know that the more this sword is untouchable, the more it has been bound by the shock wave, and it will be leaked again in the blade.
The martial arts masters who really reach the extreme of martial arts will never be as bad as people think, and the surrounding environment will be destroyed by flying all over the sky. Instead, they look like there is no fireworks because they have reached the realm of gathering their own strength and will not wave at will.
Wow, this is a good thing. I stuffed the bag into my pocket excitedly. Grandpa Tang Xian’s eyebrows were colored. I went there. Oh, I skipped out of the door and then gently pulled the door and carefully touched the small bag in my pocket. There was a strange smile on my face.
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