Ma Rong sneers at a leitian. Are you strong?
His voice did not fall, but he felt that it was suddenly dark, and suddenly the stars were shining around him, and several stars collided with his body. That momentum was not even the destruction of the world.
Leitian laughed Ma Rong. What you did in those days should be rewarded today.
The word retribution was the key to the rule of the world in the past. Ma Rong listened to it and his soul trembled with it.
Chapter six hundred and twenty-four A bomb
You are a tauren apprentice. Ma Rong tentatively asked, "The surrounding stars suddenly fade away, and the impact of those stars is an illusion."
However, in such a short moment, the large array of true stars and souls has been arranged, and the 720 twinkling stars around it are the big bursts of eyes, of which less than 10% are real keys.
It’s a pity that I can’t see through the real situation of these eyes. These eyes are full of forgetfulness and water, so that I can attack my powerful fairy in my own hands. All the powerful fairy wares were betrayed in the hell that year and I was cursed by the divine king. The weapons in that hell are too destructive to me.
It’s not a question of whether it’s worth losing hundreds of powerful fairies to break the eye of the array, but that you can’t take so many fairies yourself, so you can destroy the array by yourself.
Or when Ma Rong’s teeth are almost broken, but he takes a break to calm him down. Is it because he knows that he is not an opponent, but he has no attack power? He has to practice hard and won’t take a break.
You can always find a large array of loopholes if you want to leave Leitian without being close to the Lord. If Leitian stays here together, it’s no big deal. His strength is advancing by leaps and bounds every day and he doesn’t need any help from heaven and earth.
Instead, this place is quite an training ground.
Leitian dare not get close to others, break into this large array, and when his strength rises again, he can also refine more fairy wares while practicing to minimize the loss when he breaks the array.
Ma Rong thought of here and simply sat up and practiced.
Leitian stare blankly for a moment, and then Bai Marong thought that this made him have some headaches. Being held here by Ma Rong has a great influence on the plan to attack Zhongzhou. Twelve celestial warriors have been killed by Ma Rong, and they will not go back to Zhongzhou, and their disciples will not be more dangerous in the celestial fairy boat. The attack power of the celestial fairy boat may not be so good, but no one can catch up with it yet.
The problem is that my master has been suppressed in the red mountain peak, and if he is not rescued as soon as possible, his immortal strength will be lost.
A month is not a long time, so it is very common for Ma Rong to practice for several years.
Thought of this, Leitian urged Nian Beasts to walk slowly around Ma Rong. No matter what Leitian does, Ma Rong will immediately slay Leitian with his hands.
Leitian can’t walk and can’t get close to it. Thinking of this, Ma Rong feels very worried. This large array surface is trapping him, but it will also trap Leitian here.
After Leitian walked a circle, the Star Lock Soul Array has quietly changed, covering all the islands, and then Leitian continued to arrange the law in this Star Lock Soul Array.
Ma Rong can’t look at the arrangement of Leitian array, but he can’t think of it in vain. The arrangement is a well-known trace of array fate.
This fairy array is well-known. The only thing is to arrange the array in a stable way, but this stability strengthens the array in the future, but it can’t give it high attack power.
And the trace of fate consumes a lot of money. Once it is in operation, the fairy jade will burn firewood, wasting Ma Rong’s time. What can I do to decorate this array that poses no threat to myself?
Leitian constantly arranges traces of fate. The fairy array has arranged 100 paths in the Star Lock Soul Array continuously. This is the limit of the Star Lock Soul Array. If you arrange it again, it will be destroyed.
After leitian finished arranging the trace of fate, he fled into the ground in a blink of an eye, and his speed of earth evasion was amazing. After practicing the magic of stars, the earth never hindered him again.
Set up a new array in the earth, and set up a larger array of stars outside the Star Lock Soul Array. This array has been set at the bottom of the sea, Ma Rong, and this is a panic.
Leitian wants to transfer him to another array. The only way to avoid such bad luck is to forcibly break through the large array in front of him, but he has no impression at all, let alone break the array.
He knows that after being reinforced by the trace of fate, he wants to break the array and has to pay ten times as much as before, so I’m afraid there is only one fairy soldier left.
It’s nothing to break the array by force, and it’s much more serious to get hurt casually than to be attacked by leitian
That Ma Rong hesitated and leitian has arranged a new law on the seabed.
This law has arranged an island into a cylindrical land thousands of miles deep, which seems to attract underground magma and fire. Ma Rong is also very familiar with the land conditions in various regions of Kyushu. Knowing that Leitian will dig for about ten miles, he can make this hole spray fire.
However, even if the fire burns for thousands of years, it will not die, and it will only lose a few fairy pieces at most.
In the Millennium? He’s only a month at most.
Ma Rong sat there firmly, but he didn’t see the large array laid out by Leitian. There was an antimatter bomb in the center. Even if he saw it, he wouldn’t recognize what threat it posed to himself.
Before the antimatter bomb started, there was no fairy device, and the mana fluctuation looked like a rock.
Leitian arranged quickly. While Ma Rong was still in doubt, he had perfectly combined the array around the antimatter bomb and then detonated it directly.
Ma Rong is still observing the method of leitian, and there is no offensive array from the beginning to the end. He is not worried, but when the antimatter bomb exploded, powerful forces were ejected from that cylinder and Ma Rong was killed. The antimatter bomb exploded at a speed of more than ten thousand times.
Leitian arrangement array is also very simple to say, that is, let this antimatter bomb instantly release its energy without a wave of attacks.
For the sake of white, Ma Rong was not alert and urged Nian beast to land on the island. He quietly waited for the arrival of Ma Rong with a dragon and a heavy star gun in his hand.
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