"Are you kidding? It’s a forbidden destination in the warlock’s palace. I’ve achieved a lot. How could I not like it if a generation of warlocks didn’t fulfill their dreams … "
Gu Beichen’s eyes are shaking badly. He doesn’t like the feeling of being seen through.
For a long time, the real red moon temple felt that he had disguised himself well.
When the Red Crescent Temple was young, no one could see that he didn’t like it. It was not easy to hold it for so long.
"Have you considered coming back? You can change your identity. "
Wang Shu gave his idea, but Gu Beichen shook his head.
"There is no need to escape like that. Everyone has something to do. I feel that you are doing something amazing. I can’t be too bad."
Gu Beichen gulped down the drinks in his cup and his eyes showed vicissitudes of life.
Wang Shu was surprised. He didn’t expect Gu Beichen to have such ideological consciousness. He really grew up!
"It’s very kind of you to think so."
"Ah, it’s okay, it’s okay." Gu Beichen sprinkled a smile.
Does he not want to change his identity and become a citizen of Zion? Of course I do. After all, everyone wants a stable life.
Moreover, the welfare of Zion people belongs to the four major city-States, and it is best to have a landmark place like the red light district that never sleeps.
Unlike the lighthouse, when there is no object, you have to go to Guangda Bathhouse to solve the problem.
But if he stays here, he will probably become an ordinary warlock or a music club.
Chengxu Music Department? Are you kidding … This is impossible unless the world is destroyed.
"It’s always good that you have your own ideas."
"You too."
"to light"
"um, to light"
Although it’s only been a year, so many things have happened and changed in them, it’s not easy to keep that original friendship.
There are many ancient trees in the core of the melting furnace.
Rona was not abused, beaten and interrogated. Xu Le even brought her some water and food.
"I didn’t expect you to be quite polite to me."
"Of course I am a gentleman," Xu Le said with a smile.
"Gentleman? Gentlemen don’t make moves when warlocks introduce themselves. "
Xu Le hesitated a.
"This matter … all blame the toad. I’ll help you scold it later."
"Well, tell me, what do you want to know?"
"Red Crescent Temple sent you these spies to come over. What is it? Sabotage? I don’t seem to have heard anything about the destruction of the Red Crescent Temple. "
Xu Le looked curious. Rona saw his one eye. Originally, Xu Le would ask some secrets about the Red Crescent Temple. I didn’t expect him to ask such a question without nutrition.
"Who things how do we know that the Red Crescent Temple sent us out? The main workers are just survey information.
You be mysterious here, I will naturally investigate the situation here. "
"Oh, I see. Are there many spies in the Red Crescent Temple?"
"How is it possible that there are very few spies? After all, it is very difficult to cultivate a loyal spy."
"Are you loyal?"
"Used to be very loyal?" Rona’s expression changed slightly.
Xu Le’s conversation with her is not a trial at all, but just like chatting with ordinary friends.
Rona was silent for a moment and suddenly asked
"You don’t want to know something about a red crescent temple? Such as that secret you said before. "
"No, no,no. The secret I’m talking about is not about the Red Crescent Temple."
"Not the red crescent temple? What’s the secret? "
"I’m not interested in the Red Crescent Temple. I want to know if there are many Red Crescent warlocks in the Red Crescent Temple. You are all masters of fate.
Can you tell me something about your analysis of the fate cards of Guyindo? "
Rona’s eyebrows deepened when I heard this.
"You and Zhou Di have the same idea of getting rid of fate, right? But he failed and you succeeded. Since you have got rid of the interference of fate, why do you need to know this information at this time? "
"fate which have so easy to get rid of me is just luck, I this person besides handsome advantages is not a lot of studious is my best place.
I like the ancient music and fate cards very much, but I don’t want to be bound by the ancient music and fate. I just want to ask.
You are all red crescent temple magicians. Why are you so close to Gu Yinduo? How do you avoid fate when you are promoted and close to the taboo of ancient music? Do you conform or resist? "
Xu Le’s modesty about learning made Rona feel very strange. She forgot something that Xu Le joked that she was handsome just now.
She wanted to hide something, and Xu Legen didn’t ask, which made Rona feel puzzled.
"The Red Crescent Temple’s taboo power over ancient sounds has always been a kind of support, and that’s how our environment gradually contacts things that are taboo to ancient sounds.
The fate of the ancient sound card is so much that the human life is tempered … "
"Hey, hey, hey, you just need to tell me about the fate card of Guyindo. I don’t want to know anything else."
Xu Le hurriedly interrupted Rona. He didn’t bother to know such a thing.
Rona was not used to it, but she changed the subject back to Xu Le’s initial question.
"I mean, do you dislike the Red Crescent Temple very much?"
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