"Because the three major senses are that competitors are not enough, it is not conducive to them to cultivate elites. You are just a cultivation method to the final product. There may be more explorers in your hands than in my hands."
Mills, sneer at a way "knowing seeker death? We are just toys and tools in its hands. Maybe some old people will tell you that it takes a lot of resources to get the explorer. They attach great importance to the high-level world battle and rarely let you live and die, but in fact they are all lies. The truth is that the explorer lives and dies unexpectedly. "
Lu Chenrao listened with interest to Milfez’s words, "So you broke the rules?"
He can see that people like Milfez, Anti-Gu and Blood Sword Girl are by no means ordinary offenders. They can get along well, but they still choose to join the offenders’ alliance. This is definitely not the kind of person who is greedy for petty gain and illegal investment.
These people should all have their own goals or’ ideals’ when they join the illegal alliance.
"Because I don’t want to train the army, if it is the last king of the method, all the appeasement is an illusion. Throwing the explorer into the world is a big stick to reward and strengthen. It is a separation of sweet dates to enhance friction and competition, so that those who can climb the top can continue to kill and train the strongest king of the method."
Milfez said indifferently, "We are just chess. I don’t want to be pushed around and controlled. Cause and effect don’t feel good. There are always jobs you don’t want to do. I can still live well if I am free."
"But you don’t seem to be free, and you are still being directed by the illegal giants."
Luchenwan taste
Milfez was silent for a moment. "Until now, I realized that it is the same everywhere. Even if there is no restriction on freedom in the illegal alliance, there are boundaries. We are not controlled by the handle, but driven by violence. Without power, the world is nothing."
"So you are eager to board the taboo? Reliable rewards are just rubbish when you get through the road. You should not understand this truth. "
Lu Chenxiao asked that he partially agreed with Milfez’s words. For example, Lao Wang said that it was to train army soldiers, but he felt that it was not the case.
Because in the face of a strong enemy, there is sometimes a boundary, that is, there is no face.
The army is all means of war. The strong have no seats for the weak in the battlefield.
If you compare nine to one, then it is of course the strongest method king, and since it is constantly screened, it means that you want the method king not to come out yet.
For those other worms, freedom is restricted and there is no future in sight, which is really desperate.
"You don’t understand that you are an absolute talent, so you can avoid playing against each other on this basis. You are trained as a king of methods, so how can you come to an end in vain?"
Milfez sighed, "If I can get on the taboo, I will leave the illegal alliance and this world sea to create my own paradise in vain. At that time, there will be no more creatures and will to limit me, and I will be truly free."
"Sounds like a good ideal. You go."
Liu Chen finished and let go of Milfez.
Milfez was stunned because he found that his physical and mental repression had lifted his realm, and naturally he resumed his physical state in an instant, and he continued to climb.
"Let me go?"
He looked at Lu Chen in indecision, but he knew that it was not a good thing to let the tiger go back to the mountains and cut the grass without eradicating the harm, while the man in front of him was a virtual pioneer. Looking at the temperament of the other person, he knew that it was by no means a good crop.
There must be some conspiracy in this, but he doesn’t think Lu Chen is as clever as that. What does Lu Chen mean?
He doesn’t believe that he feels sorry for him after lamenting a few words. That’s impossible. No one is a sentimental young man. No matter how old he is, he is an old monster.
"Promise me one thing and you can leave now."
Lu Chen smiles and tells the truth. It is so-called for him whether to slay the violator of the department. Anyway, he has got the news he wants.
The important thing is that Milfez seems to be the cleverest of the three violators, and he also hopes that the other side’s follow-up momentum will bring some trouble to the violator alliance
"What is it?"
Milfez frowned. He knew that the other side must still have the means to restrain himself, which he hated. As he said, there is no freedom anywhere, but it is ruled by a stronger force
"Send a message for me, and then you can leave the illegal alliance to pursue your ideal."
Liu Chen’s soul condensed a jade slip and handed it to Milfez. This is the root cause. It means to condense oneself. It has the ability to induce others to peek until you want to give it to the person.
"To whom?"
Milfez’s eyes changed and he felt more and more weird. They must have been sold today.
Chapter one thousand Liu Chen You are so dirty!
"Elephant, I want to ask him something, such as why he left to join the illegal alliance, such as how he learned my whereabouts."
Lu Chen said, of course, he didn’t just hand over these messages in the jade slips. It was impossible for him to tell Milfez everything.
To say these things is to confuse opponents and make Milfis difficult to distinguish between true and false, and I don’t know who the ghost is in the illegal alliance.
In order to limit the explorers, he feels that most of them are the same, and he is also a pioneer and judge, and he is not ahead in origin.
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汇川区广州路SPA,按摩技巧篇 随着生活节奏的加快,越来越多的人开始关注自己的身心健康。在汇川区广州路,有一家备受好评的SPA按摩中心,它以独特的按摩技巧和专业的服务,为顾客带来身心愉悦的体验。以下是汇川区广州路SPA按摩中心的一些经典按摩技巧,让我们一起了解吧。 一、瑞典按摩 瑞典按摩是一种传统的按摩方式,它通过按摩师的手法,刺激人体的肌肉和神经系统,达到缓解疲劳、促进血液循环、增强免疫力的效果。在汇川区广州路SPA,瑞典按摩的技巧如下: 1. 按摩师运用长按、揉捏、拍打等手法,从脚底开始向上按摩,逐步放松全身肌肉; 2. 在按摩过程中,按摩师会根据顾客的体质和需求,适当调整力度和手法; 3. 按摩结束后,按摩师会为顾客提供足浴、香薰等放松服务,使顾客在愉悦的氛围中舒缓身心。 二、泰式按摩 泰式按摩起源于泰国,它结合了印度的阿育吠陀医学和瑜伽理念,通过按摩师的手法,调整人体的气血平衡,达到养生保健的目的。在汇川区广州路SPA,泰式按摩的技巧如下: 1. 按摩师运用拉、扯、扭、压等手法,放松顾客的肌肉和关节; 2. 在按摩过程中,按摩师会结合泰式瑜伽动作,引导顾客进行呼吸和放松; 3. 按摩结束后,按摩师会为顾客提供足浴、香薰等放松服务,使顾客在愉悦的氛围中舒缓身心。 三、中式按摩 中式按摩源远流长,它融合了中医理论,通过按摩师的手法,调节人体的气血,达到养生保健的效果。在汇川区广州路SPA,中式按摩的技巧如下: 1. 按摩师运用点、按、揉、推等手法,刺激人体的穴位,调整气血; 2. 在按摩过程中,按摩师会根据顾客的体质和需求,适当调整手法和力度; 3. 按摩结束后,按摩师会为顾客提供足浴、香薰等放松服务,使顾客在愉悦的氛围中舒缓身心。 四、面部护理 面部护理是SPA按摩中心的重要项目之一,它通过按摩师的手法,促进面部血液循环,改善肤色,使肌肤更加紧致有弹性。在汇川区广州路SPA,面部护理的技巧如下: 1. 按摩师运用轻柔的手法,对顾客的面部进行深层清洁和按摩;…