After the two of them have finished eating.
Luo Yu really feels that the fish meat is tough, delicate and delicious, and it does have the effect of exercise, but there is not much for the current demon body itself.
Throw the rod hook again soon
Luo Yu was interested again and asked the old woodcutter, "Do you know how to observe the root changes of everything in the world, old man?"
The old woodcutter was holding a twig like a steel needle and’ tut’ was gnawing his teeth.
He naturally guessed that Xiao Langjun was the cat in front of him. After all, he knew Qinggan.
In the ancient times, I didn’t know that Wei Changqing was the only one who could worship the master. Now that the old husband can hold the green pole, it’s hard to be really extraordinary!
However, I have lived in Vientiane Dojo for a long time, and I don’t know about Luodao in front of me, but I really want to know what this secret road is capable of and how it can get into the eyes of the elderly.
But how can he know that the old man is really the incarnation of God, and Luo Yu is the reincarnation of the gods in front of him? If he can’t do it, how can he do it?
At this moment, the old woodcutter has revealed his curiosity and asked, "Xiao Langjun, please give me your advice?"
Luo Yu said humbly, "I don’t dare to teach, but the younger generation pays attention to the integration of the three."
"Oh ~?" The old woodcutter was a little curious. "Three in one?"
Luo Yu replied, "when we observe everything, we should first look at things. This is a kind of exploration mentality to look at things." Then we can know the appearance of things from the perspective of sex; Finally,’ I’ view things and know the past and future of things.
The combination of these three is the correct way to look at things. "
Then he pointed to the lake. "Most people in the world can know the shape of everything, and they can distinguish what is water and what is mountain, but people can’t directly incarnate into the shape of everything like water."
The one-eyed old woodcutter nodded thoughtfully. "The changeable water can really incarnate everything."
Luo Yu picked up a small piece of wood and threw it into the lake to stir up waves. He said, "Although water can be transformed into the shape of everything, it can’t know the temperament of everything like a saint, and it can’t see through the thoughts of everything."
The old woodcutter showed disbelief. "Can everything be intentional? This … the holy one can do this? "
Luo Yu pointed to himself and smiled and replied, "Because the saints don’t look at things, they look at things."
The old woodcutter suddenly shook the place and suddenly seemed to realize something.
Then he asked, seemingly in the opposite direction, "Dare you ask … how can Xiao Langjun catch … fish?"
After listening to this, the word "to fish" is deliberately aggravated, and Luo Yu instantly understands the meaning. This "to fish" refers to the enlightenment and the fruit of the enlightenment.
Obviously, the other party wants to see whether I have different opinions on Tao and whether I can afford the word "Tao of cat"
Chapter 75 The theory of Yin and Yang conjures up the doctrine of the mean.
"Dare to ask … how can Xiao Langjun catch … fish?"
At the moment, Luo Yu heard this seemingly ordinary but mindless question. He naturally understood the word "to fish" as an allusion to Tao and enlightenment.
Obviously, the old woodcutter is taking an examination of him to see if he can afford the honor of the word "cat’s paw"
So he replied with a supercilious smile, "I know the number of dharma by observing the heavens and the earth, but I know myself and know each other a little;" Therefore, I know that’ I’ is not like an external device … Yin and Yang are easy to change, and fish can be obtained, but’ fish’ is my heart. "
Although the old woodcutter listened carefully, he found himself in a fog!
He was puzzled and asked, "Can you catch fish with this’ equipment’?"
Luo Yu replied, "the elephant outside the device is available, and the fisherman is in the number of human beings;" Those who have the skills but don’t catch fish are beyond the reach of human resources, and there is no way out for them to jump out of the three realms and five elements. "
The more the old woodcutter listened to it, the more confused he became. He felt mysterious and mysterious.
Luo Yu seemed to see the doubts in his heart and explained, "Let’s take the word’ fate’. People can control it, which is called’ fen’. I can have fishing gear and come here to fish. This is that I can control’ fen’. If the gear is neat and I try my best to control everything, I can’t catch any fish at this time. This is that I don’t have this life, which is also called fate.
The so-called predestination is indispensable.
It’s like the god wants to get the things in the pool and is fully prepared, but even if I come with a pole, how can this opportunity appear?
Therefore, there is the phrase "Do whatever it takes to listen to destiny". "
"Oh ~ that makes sense!" In this case, the old woodcutter suddenly realized the truth
Seeing that he had become somewhat respectful, he asked Luo Yu, "What did Xiao Langjun mean when he said that Yin and Yang changed easily?"
At the moment, Luo Yu has talked about Kan Kan, saying, "I’m easy to say that Yin and Yang are opposite, but acting is complementary. Compared with heaven and earth, everything in this world can change."
Just like good yang and evil yin; The key to the word "Yi" in the perfect combination of the inside and the outside is that it will never leave the mystery of the Sect, but the words "destiny" and "Yi Li" can be briefly explained.
For example, whether words and deeds are good or bad is beyond your control, so it is easy to change what you get and what you get. If you don’t do what you can, it will be difficult to get what you deserve naturally.
The wicked have good results, which is life; Good people have consequences, and this is also life.
But if evil deeds have bad consequences, good deeds create good results, then this is’ reason’. "
Hearing this, the old woodcutter was completely broken by Luo Yu!
He didn’t expect this yin-yang yi to be so profound that it really covers a wide range of things. It’s really scary to think about everything.
It’s very meaningful to listen to destiny!
If evil has good consequences, good consequences are life; Evil has consequences, and good has good results. This is the truth.
However, it is difficult to change the fate, but some people say that it is’ reason’ to decide to conquer nature by doing their best to change their fortunes.
This’ fate’ means that Yin and Yang are fixed base numbers, which can be compared with the previous’ points’; "Yi Li" means that change is a variable number.
Low is the cognitive rule of human moral order; To be tall is the only rule of simplification and simplification!
At present, the theory of juvenile generalization has been simplified into a word’ Yi’, which is really enlightening.
His heart andao this cat was really unique. If you talk about it for a long time, you can benefit a lot from it!
So he sincerely asked, "So, for example, a common woodcutter can’t hurt his body by carrying a hundred kilograms of firewood, but adding ten kilograms will hurt his body. What is this?"
Luo Yu smiled and shook his head and said, "I don’t know how to carry firewood, but I know how to fish. For example, some people sometimes catch big fish with great strength and can’t pull it, but they can’t bear to give up. It took many hours to get the big fish ashore, and sometimes they were almost taken into the water by the big fish and drowned!
You see, it’s not just hurting the body.
Although fishing is different from fighting firewood, it is the same that people are injured because of greed. One hundred kilograms is the limit that the woodcutter’s strength can bear, although it will not hurt the body. "
Then he picked up a tiny branch and gestured, "But if it’s 100 kilograms, even one kilogram, even a straw will do harm to the body, and it’s ten kilograms?"
After all, I haven’t tasted the taste of this herring for several hours.
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