All the cavalry in the camp issued a law to suppress cheers …
Surdak turned his horse’s head and held up the red crescent moon with one hand, shouting "All cavalry … swords!"
Nearly six hundred cavalry at the same time bright sword in his hand, sword light sunshine some dazzling …
Chapter 11 Camp Battle 2
Surdak holds a dwarf chain shield and a shield light emerges to stun a soldier ant in front of him.
Surrounded by the cavalry, two thunder rhinoceros grunted …
The archers on the side of Thunder Rhino shoot arrows, which are still lethal to the ghost-tattooed workers, but for this group of ghost-tattooed soldiers, they penetrate their hard armor.
Fine steel’s arrow can only penetrate the weak point by hitting the joint seam and a pair of eyes.
Four platform bed crossbows are still shooting giant crossbows. Every giant crossbow flying out can almost take away the life of a ghost-tattooed soldier ant.
The giant crossbow will nail a ghost-patterned soldier ant into the soil, and the great inertia will almost nail half of their bodies into the soil.
The shooting speed of bed crossbow is very slow, and the root method forms a suppression blow to soldier ants.
Cavalry in heavy armor form a solid shield wall with their backs against the sloping land of thunder rhinoceros to block the impact of soldiers in the ant colony.
These soldier ants are all poor in strength. They touch the pliers against the cavalry shields and constantly compress the cavalry’s activities. All cavalry shields are contaminated with this thick sour poison. Occasionally, thunder rhinoceros can be seen falling from the back. Exploding these water bombs in the crowd can wash away some sour liquid from the cavalry.
Almost all the cavalry were traumatized by acid corrosion, and more than 600 cavalry broke into cheers when Suldak rushed in.
There are fireballs in the ant colony, and this magic flame can burn for a while with ghost-patterned soldier ants.
These ghost-patterned soldiers are a little afraid of fire. Once they burn, these ghost-patterned soldiers will run around in the ant colony, disrupting the attack rhythm of the soldiers.
The most conspicuous man in the battlefield is always a handsome figure in red tight leather armor.
The fierce battle made her head and hat fall quietly, but Samira didn’t realize that her face was covered with a black gauze and she was completely covered with a pretty face, especially a red broken hair and red star eyes, which made her body exude a cold breath.
Samira’s arrows have wind and arc, and the epic sharp bow is very strong. Even the hardest forehead of the soldier ant can penetrate the hard armor skin and nail it deeply.
Her arrows are like eyes. Every bow can kill a soldier ant.
Not far away, two giant ghost-tattooed soldier ants are still dying on the hillside, and their abdomen is penetrated by several giant crossbows and almost the same place.
The giant crossbow left them where they were, and they struggled to break free.
Light brown blood and light green sour liquid gurgled out along the wound, which should also be Samiraj.
Fortunately, she shot and killed the giant soldier ants in the ant colony, otherwise the two giant soldier ants rushed to the front and the cavalry could not stop their impact.
Surdak’s aura of foot strength spread constantly, and the cavalry around him felt the force coming from the feet.
He immediately replaced the red crescent in his hand with a torch of light.
This blood-red crescent moon with sharp combat blade is not as good as the heavy torch of light.
In particular, the torch lit a sacred flame and splashed down the body of the ghost-patterned red ant, instantly making the hard nail skin as crisp as a biscuit.
Surdak relies on the Red Crescent to display the rune "Eternity", which only makes the red ants with ghost stripes around lose for a short time, but the torch of the holy light can display the "holy thunder" to stir up a snake ant colony and scurry back and forth in an instant.
The situation reversed at this moment, and the cavalry Surdak led an attack on these ghost-patterned soldiers.
Although there are still a steady stream of ghost-tattooed soldiers coming out from behind, it is Surdak who takes the cavalry to rush out of a hole. A group of cavalry rushed out from the periphery of the battlefield surrounded by ghost-tattooed soldiers. They rode horses and cooperated with Surdak’s cavalry to charge the ghost-tattooed soldiers.
The ghost-striped soldier ants formed an encirclement and were gradually torn by Surdak.
Although one cavalry can fight against one ghost-patterned soldier ant independently, ten cavalry can charge ten ghost-patterned soldier ants to win the ghost-patterned soldier ant.
The thick knight pokes the weakest neck of the soldier ant with a pike, and the hard armor skin on the neck can be pulled to heal the wound by relying on the charge force.
The balance of war leans towards the cavalry side again.
In the end, hundreds of ghost-tattooed soldiers finally lost their last bit of fighting courage, or it may be that the queen who controlled them in the distance cut them off. After these ghost-tattooed soldiers were abandoned by the queen, they fled quickly on the battlefield full of corpses.
At that moment, almost all the cavalry were exhausted and paralyzed on the battlefield.
The battle was very fierce, almost more than 300 horses fell to the battlefield, and many cavalry were seriously injured. Almost all cavalry were slightly injured with sour liquid.
His body that Gubo horse is also a malicious role, stepping on the dead ghost-tattooed soldier ant’s body, breaking through the encirclement of dozens of meters and stepping into the cavalry.
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