Now she is no longer Taihua’s younger brother, Lin Qingxiu, and she is taller than her. She is no longer qualified to be called Lin Qing’s junior sister.
Lin Qing poured a cup of tea and put it in another position at the same table. "Song Daoyou please sit down."
Song Qi sat quietly and took a sip of tea.
Not far away, pretending to arrange tea, Liu Fu stare big eyes.
It turns out that Lin Zhen and others are Taihua’s two girls and one song chess. It turns out that the news he heard from the passing monks these days is true!
Song Qi is now repairing and falling, and she is really broken!
"I haven’t found the right time before. Song Daoyou is leaving Taihua today. I have a few things to return to you."
Lin Qing Song Qi took out a spirit beast bag from Sumeru Ring in some curious eyes.
When the spirit beast bag was taken out, Song Qi felt a shock.
"This is this?"
Lin Qing handed Song Qi the beast bag. "Song Daoyou, you’ve given me a lot of food. It’s time to get it back."
"Red flame …"
Take out the spirit beast bag from Lin Qing and she will have a certain induction at the moment.
Song Qi looked at the bag with surprise and excitement.
Ever since the eternal heaven array sensed that the red breath disappeared inexplicably, she had been secretly anxious that the red breath would fall behind. She was seriously injured by evil spirits, and then Zhen Jun returned to Taihua with her. First, she didn’t have a chance to find the red breath. Second, she thought that she had made a big mistake and let the red breath come back to watch her suffer. It was better to let the red breath stay out for a while.
Because she knew that she had made a big mistake, and if she died, Red Flame would die with her. If she is lucky enough to live but imprisoned, there is little freedom outside the red flame; If she can get back, she will go to Red Flame.
Finding Red Flame is the first thing she plans to do after leaving Taihua.
Because Lin Qing also entered the eternal heaven, she was just about to ask her for some news, but she didn’t expect that Chiyan was saved by Lin Qing.
"Don’t lose him again" Lin Qing drank the tea ceremony.
She had long wanted to give it back to Song Qi, but on the way back, Song Qi always closed the room and returned to Taihua, where they were trapped in the law enforcement hall. "
When Song Qi remembered the red flame or Nanshan, Lin Qing gave her a chance. Now Lin Qing once again handed the red flame to her. She was ashamed and blushed. "Thank you Lin Qing."
"There is this" Song Qi hasn’t thanked Lin Qing and pulled out a bag and pushed it to her.
Song Qi took a rather inquisitive look at Lin Qing, only to find that it was all because she was puzzled by the eyebrow Wu and pulled out the secret treasure!
Song chess is almost petrochemical!
Including magic weapon, elixir, ofuda, array plate, spirit … What about lingshi?
But at this point, LingShi is not the point. The point is …
"Lin Qing this these how can your hands? Do you want to give them back to me? "
The law enforcement hall inquired about Lin Qing’s song chess before she tried it, but she didn’t hear Lin Qing’s long story that she had been practicing evil in her own secret treasure, which she used to be very sad.
Lin Qing just pushed the bag in front of her. If she didn’t understand correctly, it should be returned to her …
Song Qi couldn’t believe that even the hot tea on the table was swept by her trembling hand with sudden shock and spilled a few drops of water.
She avoided water drops, Pojun sword, light red neon gauze, Lingxi inkstone …
Does Lin Qing know the value of these opportunities? !
Does Lin Qing really know that these are meaningful to her in the current trough?
"Well, here you are."
A simple sentence made Song Qi instantly red in the eyes.
"But it’s not," Lin Qing said. "After all, it takes courage to get something from the bottom of Yuan Ying’s eyelids. I also know a little about the value of these treasures. I also feel bad about your Lingshi. I brought it as a reward."
"But those are enough …" Song Qi lowered his eyes and sighed.
These treasures were a gift in a timely manner to her, and she remembered that there were not many Lingshi at that time.
"So I’m ready," Lin Qing answered.
"ready? What? " Song Qi looked up blankly.
Then she saw Lin Qing touch out a piece of paper, an ink pen and a box of red inkpad to put aside the old tea table.
Paper is good. Brocade is fire and water-proof.
Ink pens are excellent for dyeing pointed bristles and full of ink.
Red mud is rare. Liudan germanium mud never fades.
White paper looked up and danced with the word "IOU" written on it.
Song qi stared at the two words.
Return to absolute being, she remembered that Lin Qing had also given her an iou when Zeng Nanshan was there.
Things have changed. Now it’s her turn.
The weight and meaning of the two IOUs are different.
Song Qi was puzzled for a long time, and she laughed and whispered, "Very good."
Chapter 57 I think you are lazy.
Song Qi wrote a line of words on the paper and then dyed some red mud and pressed his handprint.
She stood up with a little gratitude. "It’s hard to send charcoal in the snow since ancient times. Lin Qing will remember it forever today."
She put the iou in Lin Qing’s hand. "I’ll pay it back!"
Then he turned away smartly.
Lin Qing looked at the iou and smiled, then put it away.
"Lin Daoyou" Song Qi went to the crowd with a slight forehead.
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