Su Yu, who holds the mirror door, is confident that the strong hand can escape.
There is no reason to let Su Yu back half a point before he meets danger!
Even if the hundred people didn’t meet the necromancer, he also had a way to let these guys die
"Hum! You’ll see! "
Elves tianjiao said the ginseng auxiliary began to make the soul card.
At this time, everyone except Su Yu and An An felt the necromancer.
Su Yu can do this because she has mastered the rules of the new world, so that she can be keenly aware that An An relies on the qualifications of immortals to inspect the necromancer.
The dead around us are getting thicker and thicker, and a sense of wind and rain is always swaying in ruins.
"Hey, little guy, are you a fox?"
The family tianjiao looked at Ann’s eyes and said doubtfully.
They are puzzled that Ann is hanging out with a Terran.
As a matter of fact, the status of the fox clan is as low as that of the hundred clans, and the fighting capacity of the clan alone is generally not strong.
The fox is so beautiful and free from vulgarity, and it is the first time for them to see the fox family with charm.
"An An An"
An An is a fox family.
Nodded in naturally responded to the question, Terran Tianjiao.
"Then how do you get along with this Terran?"
The question is the Elf Tianjiao, who is very confused about why An An would choose a human partner.
"An An An"
Ann likes him. Why not be with him?
Ann crooked head is not white elves tianjiao words,
Ann can’t speak, but she can read aloud. These people naturally understand Ann’s words.
"like it? You said you liked an ordinary human being! ?”
The orcs looked at the soft and cute appearance in peace and were surprised.
"Human beings are low and despicable. You are a noble fox family. It is impossible for you to follow him. Why don’t you follow me?"
The third-eyed family is arrogant and low, with a long pointed tongue and thick purple lips, licking big eyes and flashing filthy light.
The cultivation value of fox women who can form terran appearance is generally high.
What’s more, the Three-Eyed Clan also has a secret cultivation method, which can make the female companion a cauldron. If it is a fox, the effect will be multiplied.
"In peace? An An An! "
With you? I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re so ugly.
Shake your head in peace, slightly tilt your head, and think about the problem simply, giving a bunch of foreigners a pure natural failure.
A group of real animals have nosebleeds at this time!
This fox family is really innocent!
Su Yu is just a human being. Why do you have such a fox family?
The body suddenly started to work, and the eyes of the alien tianjiao flashed a little different colors.
After the little fox came, their physical strength actually ran by themselves, and the speed was several times faster.
Sudden cognition makes the alien tianjiao have a boiling blood.
"This is a nine-tailed fox! She is a nine-tailed fox! "
Have tianjiao quiver shouted
The name of the nine-tailed fox is too loud, and it is known as the best cultivation tripod furnace in Xinghai. Even if you do nothing, the cultivation speed of the nine-tailed fox will increase to a horrible level!
Everyone’s eyes are wide open and they want to compete for peace. Suddenly, the idea is as crazy as a rising tide lifts all boats!
A race that can increase the speed of cultivation, even ten thousand races, may not meet one.
How can they let Ann go when they meet today!
"Come back safely"
Seeing the abnormal performance of many alien tianjiao, Su Yu suddenly remembered that An An’s [Kyubi no Youko Road] could increase the cultivation speed by nine times. He had been with An An for too long before he ignored this problem.
The ruins of Baijia Tianjiao have been around for a while, and the changes of aura can be clearly perceived.
"Go back? Can’t let her go back! "
"Hold her!"
"Fox, come with me. I can take you to meet the fox family!"
"Damn fox, why don’t you double-repair with me?"
How can a hundred family tianjiao let Ann go when he learns that the fox is going against the sky?
Su Yu mind move double throne instantly moved to Ann’s side to swing out several hundred tianjiao.
"Have you agreed to arrest me?"
Su Yu low drink your anger to double throne mutual assistance jet Gang gas will be more than a dozen milli guard against tianjiao out of the escort range.
The strong dead breath swallowed up the tianjiao in an instant.
This area suddenly made Su Yu feel inexplicable and jumpy
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