Surdak released the "potential", which contained power. The light in the cage was instantly suppressed to be extremely weak. Although it was still rushed out of the cage, Gensoul Dadak recovered from paralysis.
He reached into his cage and pulled out a phalanx from his magic pocket.
It’s a piece of white bone whistle made of jade middle finger with a bit of blood in the middle. Surdak bit it at this time and didn’t care that he blew the bone whistle on his lips.
"Whew …"
The bone whistle gave a shrill long sound.
The sound broke through the sky as if a sharp arrow had pierced the clouds overhead.
In an instant, the dark clouds will make up for the hole
A bloody door appeared behind Surdak. The door was carved with several flowers rushing to put on the other side. The flowers were covered with all the bones. The sky was overcast. In the distance, the vast land was covered with skeletons, zombies, ghosts, corpses, witches and dragons, and so on. The bloody door was slowly punched with glittering and translucent bones, and the arm was pushing the door.
Count Funak came out of the bloody gate with a noble headdress and a gorgeous ceremony. His face has become a skeleton, and a virtual shadow is faintly visible in front of him.
At the first sight, he saw Surdak in the flash prison, and then his eyes fell on G, a magician among the knights.
There was no communication. Funak’s ghostly figure disappeared at the bloody gate. When he appeared, he was just behind G’s magician. His sickle in his hand, G’s magician turned around and passed through his chest in a flash.
G wizard’s chest gushed out blood and quickly sucked it into the bone sickle, while G wizard’s soul was single-handedly taken out of his body by Count Fornak. He suddenly took a deep breath toward the empty shadow of a vacant soul and sucked G wizard’s soul into his mouth.
Surdak’s cage disappears with him.
Count Funak’s body disappeared again, and when he appeared, he came to Surdak’s side. He smiled and said to Surdak
"Not say have an appointment with me and afternoon tea? Why did you make such a mess when you first found me? "
Surdak gratefully said to Count Funak, "Count Funak, I …"
"Well, everything will pass." Count Funak put his hand on Surdak’s shoulder and was burned by the sacred breath of his body. He quickly retracted his hand and looked up. He said with a sigh, "It’s also a good thing that you chose a rainy day and didn’t let me directly appear in the sun. It seems that you have a lot of things to do. Remember to prepare some refreshments when you call me. This is the hospitality way."
Count Funak then glanced at the stunned rebel knights around him and asked Surdak, "Can you handle this yourself?"
See Surdak nodded his head before the eyes of the public, and Count Funak walked slowly into the bloody door.
The bloody door then slowly closed.
Chapter 52 Born to fight
The rain finally stopped.
The breath has a fresh smell after rain, and it is also mixed with a faint scent of blood.
The battle in the central square of Wall Village finally subsided, and the last knight fell in front of Surdak.
Surdak kicked the knight who resisted until he died, and pulled the red crescent out of the knight’s chest. The knight’s eyes were absent, his pupils were scattered, and he fell on his back and fell into the mud. He looked to the north and breathed his last breath before he died, as if the whole person was relieved.
The knight commander was the first to be killed by Surdak after the death of G wizard.
The villagers cooperated with 50 rebel knights and left 47 bodies in Woer Village.
Horses brought by knights are scattered everywhere in the village, but there are more than a dozen horses that can’t live. The only way to deal with them is to clean and skin the blood in the horses and leave them for horse meat, which is also a rare meal for villagers in Woer village.
Surdak dragged his tired body and saw Rita and Natasha in the wooden workshop on the edge of the village square. They were helping Selena to take care of more than 100 children in the children’s yard, and they were busier than themselves.
The number of villagers’ casualties in Woer Village has not been determined yet. The rain has covered up a lot of things. The dead villagers are lying on their doors and covered with a piece of white linen. Their families are surrounded by women hiding their faces and crying, and the old people are silently watching.
Many people in the village were injured, and the reservoir site came to help. Some craftsmen were killed by rebel knights, and many more were injured.
Surdak first treated some villagers who were seriously injured, and his holy light made those injured villagers see the hope of living and living.
Three rebels rode out of Wall Village, but they didn’t escape to Pagros Pass. It is estimated that they will not live long in this barren land, which is too barren for outsiders to live here.
Half-elf archers braved the rain to chase those knights, and there will probably be some endless fighting behind them. This group of knights completely angered Samira.
Surdak wiped the blood off the body of a rebel knight in the Blood Red Crescent and took it back to the scabbard. He took out the sacred breath from the torch of the holy light and blessed it to form a white fireworks. This fireworks is full of healing power, which makes it easier for him to cast the’ Holy Light Stone’.
It was not until now that the villagers in Woer Village clearly realized what Surdak would become a knight when his eyes grew up.
His square has become so different.
Surdak has never shown his strength in front of the villagers before, but now the villagers know that Surdak is a knight in disguise. Before seeing him wearing that gorgeous and exquisite armor, many people’s eyes showed envy, but now it is more a kind of reverence for this group of people to look at him again.
He crouched beside a villager by the wall.
The villager had a penetrating wound in his abdomen, which was pierced by a knight’s pike. He lost a lot of blood. Through the wound, he could see that the intestinal wound inside had been soaked with rain. He saw Surdak put the holy light torch near his abdomen, and the sacred breath made him feel a little warm. He slowly shook his head at Surdak to show that he was dying.
"Please don’t give up until the end!" Sur Dackeby skillfully handled the wound and sewed his belly with a needle and thread before he said to him
The villager looked weakly at Surdak’s despair and actually gave birth to a hope of living.
"I’m a paladin. I’ve treated several soldiers who were hurt more seriously than you. They all survived in the end. Can you insist on going here instead of me?" Said the Surdak pointed to his heart.
Once again, the fiend’s virtual shadow appeared behind him, and at the same time, it belonged to the face on God’s side. Then the fiend’s virtual shadow head turned slightly in one direction to look at Surdak and stretched out four arms to tightly protect Surdak …
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